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General Questions- Page 150 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Are Casement Windows Worth It?

    We are in the process of designing our home and I'm wondering if the energy efficiency provided by casement vs. single hung is worth the initial higher investment?We are going…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating enclosed cathedral bays

    Greetings, all. We're building a new house and ready to insulate (coastal San Diego). The insulation subcontractor proposes using R38 batts in the cathedral ceiling. There is no ventilation in those…

  • Question & Answers

    Bottom line- can I paint interior ceilings formed of roof decking ?

    I have a 1957 California Ranch house with vaulted beamed ceilings. The ceiling between the beams is formed from the underside of the roof decking/sheathing material. It is a fiber…

  • Question & Answers

    Patio installation next to bump out

    Climate Zone 5A in the Midwest, 1999 home. A raised deck of unknown installation date was removed. The deck was 20' long and there is a cantilever \___/ shaped windows…

  • Question & Answers

    The Cost of Construction is Pricing Me Out of a House

    More of a lamentation than a question, I suppose... We've been in the design and permitting stage of our dream home for the last ~2 years. With delays caused by…

  • Question & Answers

    What are the best Python online compilers with high performance?

    I am looking for a Python online compiler that is fast and can handle large datasets. I need to be able to run my code quickly and efficiently, so I…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor open lead encapsulate?

    Anyone know of a lead encapsulate product OK'ed for exterior use with reasonably high vapor permeability? I'm going to use it on old (flat shiplap) wood lead-painted siding before covering…

  • Question & Answers

    Intello vs. Majrex in Zone 5B — Both are Fine, But What’s Best and Why?

    I'm a frequent reader preparing to detail a wall in my Southern NH renovation project, and trying to decide between Intello and Majrex (I realize both are great products.)Our wall…

  • Question & Answers

    getting rid of soffit vents on one side of the house.

    howdy, i live in the south and have a ventilated attic with a single powered fan. theres no hvac equipment in the attic and i recently installed baffles in every…

  • Question & Answers

    Liquid flashing – Delta LFS, Huber, etc

    I’m looking at using liquid flashing for my egress window flashing in a poured basement with treated buck. There are a number of liquid flashing types available, Huber liquid flash,…