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General Questions- Page 148 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Air Barrier with Unsealed Top Plate

    Hi there, We're doing a partial remodel on a 1910/1995 climate zone 4 marine home. We'll be replacing siding and are currently contemplating to replace the crappy wrb with an…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Walls in a Hot Climate

    Hi All- Question regarding a remodel of a 1945 home in College Station, TX, climate zone 2A.  I've been trying to do my research and reading everything I can on…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a Flat Roof with Add-On Trusses

    I am renovating a rental house and found some interesting details during the demo stage.  The roof, now pitched, was once flat.  The house was built in the early 1950's…

  • Question & Answers

    Foam Board Insulation Under Slab

    Hi there, we're working on a remodel (Climate zone 4-marine) and will be leveling our basement floor by primarily pouring new concrete over existing concrete. In some areas of the…

  • Question & Answers

    Closed cell insulation on interior of old stone home – Firestop required?

    We are renovating an old stone home, and on the advice of this group hired a building scientist who confirmed what many offered on this forum: best way to insulate…

  • Question & Answers

    Foil backed OSB in vented roof?

    I didn’t realize that the building supply company / builder had gone with LP Techshield for my roof sheathing and I am concerned that it could cause moisture issues,  I…

  • Question & Answers

    What Does Near-Zero Carbon Even Mean?

    Is this house "near zero carbon"? What does "near zero carbon" even mean? All I can determine from the New York Times article about the house is that the fixer-upper…

  • Question & Answers

    Wifi Webserver and App for Fujitsu Ducted Air Handler Heat Pump – Dual Zone Airzone – $$

    In my quest to be as efficient and all-electric as possible, and having spent $40K for a Fujitsu Halcyon (now rebranded as Airstage) Ducted air handler and heat pump with…

  • Question & Answers

    Missing Vapor Retarder Under Slab

    Adding on (w/ full basement) to house in eastern MA. Very well draining soil. Foundation walls are up. Foundation guy poured the slab today and forgot the poly sheet underneath.…

  • Question & Answers

    Ridge Vent with Hip Roof

    howdy, trying to finalize a quote with a roofer and to get rid of my powered vent. i have a ~1500 sqft house with a hip roof, and a 3…