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General Questions- Page 147 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Double Vapor Barrier

    My situation is such that I am building a little cabin in zone 6. Almost 2 years ago, we didn't know all the information and built a t111 siding, tyvek…

  • Question & Answers

    Ducted Minisplit and Static Pressure

    Edited for clarityis .16" wc external static pressure enough to serve multiple rooms with a central return grille ? A contractor is proposing a Bosch 3/4 T compact ducted AH…

  • Question & Answers

    Air Quality – best approach?

    Hey everyone,I recently moved into a 1960s home (location Toronto/Canada), that has had air sealing done to it in the past. The blower door test came back at 4 ACH…

  • Question & Answers

    Lochinvar Combi-Boiler Missing Outdoor Air Sensor

    We had a Lochinvar - NKC199N (199,000 BTU) combi-boiler installed last fall. Our house is only 1,600 sq/ft and decently insulated so it seemed like overkill, but had to do…

  • Question & Answers

    Single vs. Two-Component Foam for Band Joist

    I have a fairly messy band joist between my attached garage and house with joists from both sides coming through.  I was thinking to air seal and insulate it with…

  • Question & Answers

    Vertical siding, 1/2″ CDX nailing, and rain screens

    Hi All, Zone 5. Western Ma.  First time owner/builder, building my own house.  Budget is tight, skill set is limited.I have the house framed, and fully dried in. 1/2" CDX…

  • Question & Answers

    New addition without spray foam

    We are trying to finish up plans with our builder for a new 1500 sqft addition with a 1500 sqft basement.  I've been enjoying reading through many of the articles here to…

  • Question & Answers

    Replacing Fiberglass with Mineral Wool

    Gable and roof vented Cape cod attic.Zone 4 SW MO I believe it's r19 between the ceiling joists with unfaced r30 rolled across it. I want to replace the r19…

  • Question & Answers

    Second Floor Deck Waterproofing

    We have framed a second floor deck above a patio out of beautiful locally sawn cedar joists and as per usual, it is framed level.  The client has now requested…

  • Question & Answers

    Installing Foam Board Over Cut-and-Cobble Insulation

    Summary Can I add 1/2 foam board insulation over an air tight cut and cobbled wall cavity with irregular depths? (pics attached) Specs - 7' x 10' - ceiling: vaulted,…