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General Questions- Page 145 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Semi-conditioned New Build Crawlspace

    I recently moved into a new construction single family home on a crawlspace in upstate SC. The builder put in a loose vapor barrier, sealed the vents with foam, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof ventilation channels above the foam?

    I am in Vermont.  I am insulating my roof on the exterior only with polyiso.  The roof will be strapped and metal hung on the strapping. I was going to…

  • Question & Answers

    Strapping necessary under metal roof?

    Hi folks,I'm building a 7:12 pitch gable roof in Nova Scotia, Canada. Planning on either 1/2" or 5/8" CDX sheathing over the trusses and will cover with Mento 3000 as…

  • Question & Answers

    Review of the FoamBeak nozzle

    From time to time we've talked about ways of using canned spray foam to cover areas. A product that intrigued me was the FoamBeak (on Amazon at: ) which is…

  • Question & Answers

    Home Innovation Research Labs : Designing for Natural Hazards Series Volumes 1 – 5

    I just got an email from the JLC and they had an article with a link to this series of design guidelines from the Home Innovation Research Lab on how…

  • Question & Answers

    How much for Peace of Mind?

     There is quite a lot of discussion on this site aboutpayback time for certain types of construction. Such asheat pumps vs gas heat, or exterior insulation vs doublewall, etc. What…

  • Question & Answers

    Plan Examiners Where You Are

    We seem to have a constant stream of questions on GBA about how to vent newly constructed roofs, and how to insulate both them and new walls. I'm curious as…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior Door Upgrade

    I have a 1940s era wood front door that gets full afternoon sun (however it's underneath a porch overhang), exterior door temp has been measured over 150F. It has interlocking…

  • Question & Answers

    retrofit for masonry wall

    climate zone 4Aexisting masonry wall 2 wythe brick/cmu/ 1960's construction. i stripped back to expose the block on the interior and am wondering what my best assembly will be. [really don't…

  • Question & Answers

    Dedicated dehumidifier system ductwork

    In addition to an ERV system—and separate from—we’re installing a dedicated dehumidifier system that will not connect to outside. A few questions on design:(1) Can I get away with a…