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General Questions- Page 144 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Mitsubishi Heat Pump Setup

    We in climate zone 4c and are about to have a Mitsubishi heat pump installed in a very small house with one floor and a basement. We are unsure about…

  • Question & Answers

    Central air heat pump: sizing via kBTU/hr vs CFM?

    My Manual J output for a ducted heat pump in the Seattle, WA area (climate zone 4 coastal) indicates 27 kBTU/hr heating load with CFM needs of 1001 CFM, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Window Restoration and Energy Efficiency

    I have a small window restoration business in Cleveland. Nationally, the window restoration community is great, and everyone shares methods and ideas. The downside to this communication is that everyone…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting a House Roof Intersecting a Porch

    What is the best way to ventilate my main roof, the bottom of which terminates under the porch roof? I’m adding exterior mineral wool insulation to the wall below, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Gable Wall “Hinges”

    I've always been confused by the 'gable wall hinge' discussions. The issue is the (alleged) hinge in a non-balloon framed gable wall where the wall top-plate meets the truss bottom…

  • Question & Answers

    New addition in Zone7, so many questions on insulation

    Hey all,Late night dad daily reader, first time poster from Salt Lake City, Utah (zone 7, IRC 2021). If anyone has time to help me, I'd greatly appreciate it. My…

  • Question & Answers

    Shims in Flanged Windows

    My simonton casements and fixed windows are going to be installed Friday and I was curious about the need for shims in flanged windows…especially the picture / fixed sash windows.…

  • Question & Answers

    How to Insulate an above grade block wall

    The walls of the rental I'm rebuilding are block (built in 1950).  I have read (somewhere) with that with a block wall I should use rockwool on the inside and…

  • Question & Answers

    Roofing over Phenolic/foil panels

    I am undertaking upgrading an old corrugated iron roof, that features such marvels as no insulation whatsoever and degraded building paper that passes under the purlins! Photo attached. Spectacular, huh!…

  • Question & Answers

    $9k to add an HRV?? and other heat-pump questions.

    I am in the Seattle, WA area (Climate Zone 4 coastal) and spec'ing a heat pump system to cover my home. The attached diagram shows rough layout of our ~…