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General Questions- Page 141 of 1410

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    Bearing Load of Tiled Shower

    My upstairs floor uses 2x12 joists and is 2 foot on center with 7/8 osb One thing that helps is there’s a wall on the first floor almost directly under…

  • Question & Answers

    New House Wrap Over Poorly Installed Existing Wrap

    Hey all, General Contractor house wrapped with Everbilt on the osb sheathing for a smaller 3 sided addtion. The catch is they don't do a fantastic job. While 9 ft…

  • Question & Answers

    Material to Install Between Foam Board and Wood Cladding

    I had another post explaining that I am putting up cedar fence boards for wall cladding and just butting them together in my 7x10 office. My walls are insulated with…

  • Question & Answers

    Modifying House Plans for Purchase

    We found a plan we really like in "America's Best House Plans". On the advice of the builder, we didn't pay the $1,000+ yet, pending approval of several variances. There…

  • Question & Answers

    Historical and Philosophical Questions

    Where can I find discussion of the development of homes as technology to gain perspective and context for the decisions we have to make in new construction today? I have…

  • Question & Answers

    Adhering Tape to Liquid-Applied Flashing

    Anyone have experience sticking 3m 8067 tape (or any kind of flashing tape) to Prosoco's FastFlash? I have flashed a window buck with FastFlash and am hoping to tape over…

  • Question & Answers

    Cold in Canada (again)

    I missed an opportunity to purchase *recycled* 3" eps, i may now have a chance to get 3" "recycled* Deckmate, will this be ok for my exterior insulation. Note: i have…

  • Question & Answers

    How to insulate my crawl space?

    Hi folks,I bought a house in Berkeley, California, built in 1921. Our first winter spent in it was pretty terrible--we were simultaneously constantly freezing cold and paying hundreds of dollars…

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    Building Science 101

    An interesting series on building science has just started to be released on Matt Risinger's Youtube channel. So far three episodes have been released, with more to come.

  • Question & Answers

    Upgrades for Thermal Comfort: Setting Priorities

    I have a 1930's SFH in Seattle WA. (Zone 4c I believe?) Home is wood frame construction with brick veneer. Stud bays are empty with lath and plaster on the…