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General Questions- Page 136 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Basement window location

    I am in the process of replacing metal framed basement windows with new vinyl flangeless windows.  The openings are cut out of the top of the foundation wall, so that…

  • Question & Answers

    Sizing HVAC Equipment With Poorly Conditioned Crawlspace

    I'm in the Seattle, WA area (Climate Zone 4 coastal) with a minimally ventilated crawlspace (~1 ft2 vent area per 1500 ft2 floor space), with poly vapor barrier on the…

  • Question & Answers

    Finishing Basement with Exterior Framing

    Hi there, I have a 2016-built house in Ottawa, Ontario (6A?), with a basement that is largely unfinished (only the landing area was finished by the builder). I am looking…

  • Question & Answers

    Window bucks and Innie Windows

    Hi, everyone. With the following wall system that we're building (climate zone 7), I'm wondering if we need window bucks and how the exterior insulation should line up with our…

  • Question & Answers

    Best heat pump option in Wisconsin with electric backup

    I have received proposals from two reputable HVAC contractors for ducted systems using our existing air distribution system, one specifying Amana MDASZ60361E and the other Mitsubishi SUZ-KA30NAHZ. The Amana option…

  • Question & Answers

    Sunamp Thermino Thermal Battery for Hot Water

    So I was watching a video on the Still to Be Decided Podcast about the things Matt Ferrell would have changed in his new net zero home and he said…

  • Question & Answers

    Standing Seam roof system advice in PNW (Seattle area)

    I'm looking at having a metal roof installed, and would like to get feedback on my material choices to make sure the system will be problem-free in the long term,…

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral ceiling venting details

    We are building a home in CZ 6.  Part of the volume is a single story enclosed with a 13:12 cathedral ceiling.  The construction will comprise a vented assembly with…

  • Question & Answers

    Gable soffit

    Hello,If I have soffit vents at the eaves and a ridge vent (no gable vent), would it make any difference if I add a vented soffit along the gable? Or…

  • Question & Answers

    Load Calculation Confirmation

    We're currently building a house in Omaha, Nebraska.  We've made some choices to increase the efficiency of the enclosure, but it seemed like the calculated needs were higher than I…