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General Questions- Page 135 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Wall Vents for Bathroom Exhaust

    Are there any exterior wall vents available that will seal well and not allow air to escape through stack effect?  I hate the idea that I am building a tight…

  • Question & Answers

    Spalling concrete foundation in 1930’s house–want to sort it before sorting other stuff

    Hello all,    I have a two story wood + attic and basement house in Zone 6A (Catskills NY) that was built around the 1930's with oil heat. Very wet environment,…

  • Question & Answers

    How difficult is it to obtain a variance?

    Good evening hope everyone is doing well. So you have probably seen my posts before I’m basically dealing with a small 2 bedroom home and I’m attempting to expand my…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Second Story of Cape House

    Hello all I am in the process of getting quotes to insulate the 2nd story of a 1950's era cape cod style house in NY (zone 5a). I have been…

  • Question & Answers

    Unpainted PT plywood as Rainscreen cladding?

    Does anyone have opinions about using pressure treated plywood as a siding over a 5/8 inch rain screen gap and 15lb tar paper over plywood sheathing?I'm in the Pacific North…

  • Question & Answers

    Studs for pocket door framing?

    I have many pocket doors in our house that is under construction and two of them will be within a wall holding a tile backsplash.  The framers installed 2x6s turned…

  • Question & Answers

    Code correct, metal flashing at inside corner of existing brick wall and new addition?

    Hey all,We have two new inside vertical corners (exterior) with our addition to worry about. One of the walls is existing is brick and then the new is osb. Am…

  • Question & Answers

    Staples vs. Screws for Soffit Installation

    For soffit installation aluminum and vinyl , I notice in the "how to videos" that they use narrow crown stapler since it's faster but they staple at every rib. If…

  • Question & Answers

    Missing notifications

    I noticed that I'm not getting any e-mail notifications for new reply even when I select "send email notification for new reply". Anybody else have this problem?

  • Question & Answers

    Gap at Top of Hardie Plank Wall

    I cannot for the life of me find the solution to a 1-2" gap required at the top of a Hardie Plank wall detail. I assume GBA is good with…