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General Questions- Page 133 of 1410

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    LP Fire Rated Sheathing

    I found this video on fire rated sheathing from LP. Meeting Fire Codes With Fire Rated Sheathing Anyone ever used it, or a similar product?

  • Question & Answers

    Uponor Residential Fire Sprinklers

    Has anyone installed a residential fire sprinkler system? If so, how was the process?I found this video on the Uponor brand, but are there other/better options and if so, why…

  • Question & Answers

    Painting Tiles

    Good afternoon, hope all is well, I also have an issue with no longer receiving notifications on replies. I have an old bathroom that has a tiled floor and ceiling,…

  • Question & Answers

    Zip Sheathing on Vented Crawlspace Walls

    Hello All, New to GBA and have been browsing the site in search of answers to the many questions I have for my residential full remodel in Southern Los Angeles.…

  • Question & Answers

    Transferring Wood Stove Heat

    Hello, Apologies if this has been asked and answered and I can't find it. What are good-better-best options for heat transfer from an over heating wood stove living room? We…

  • Question & Answers

    Gold standard for liquid flashing and house wrap integration…but what is it?

    I'm so sorry to be back on a question so soon. Thank you for your time to help me out.I am seeing manufactures allow for WRB folded into the window…

  • Question & Answers

    Drywood Termite Treatment – Chemical vs Heat Tenting Pros & Cons?

    A relative's house has a drywood termite infestation.They have been advised they need to tent the house for treatment, and given an option of a heat treatment or a chemical…

  • Question & Answers

    Green Builder Media Youtube Channel

    Here's a great channel on the many different aspects involved in builder greener homes.

  • Question & Answers

    Energy and Environmental Building Alliance: High Performance Home Lighting for Health, Safety and Welfare

    What is the easiest, cheapest method for dramatically improving the beauty, functionality and safety of your home?Installing lighting fixtures that provide the best possible light in the correct layout within…

  • Question & Answers

    Cutting a Tongue-and-Groove Profile into Framing Lumber

    I'm considering cutting a t&g profile into clear 2x12 framing lumber and installing as flooring (visible from below as ceiling over wide spaced timber joists). I know that it has…