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General Questions- Page 130 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Taping Foam on Roof

    Redoing a low slope roof, 1-12. Installing 5" of rigid foam (GPS) on the deck, wondering what the value of taping the seams would be. There will be two layers…

  • Question & Answers

    Air Sealing Priorities

    Hi All, The floor plan for our new build is nearly done and I'll be sharing it on here for feedback when it is. In the meantime, I had a question…

  • Question & Answers

    Forcing Heat Pump Water Heater Mode

    I would like to switch from an electric water heater to a hybrid heat pump water heater.I am in southern NH, so fairly cold in basement in winter.I don't want…

  • Question & Answers

    Re-flashing window

    Please view picture of the 4 foyer windows. House built in 2003. On the inside, the water intrudes below arched window but just off to side over top of one…

  • Question & Answers

    Trim Thickness With Hardie Panel and Batten Siding

    I will be doing a Hardie panel board and batten siding for my garage. If I use the 3/4 inch Hardie battens over 5/16 inch panels, that adds up to…

  • Question & Answers

    “Green” finish for wood countertop?

    I have some nice big 2 1/2" thick planks of Western Red Cedar that were milled from trees on site a few years ago. I'd like to use a couple…

  • Question & Answers

    Shower wall assembly

    In climate zone 5b. I'm remodeling a shower that is against an exterior wall. I'm wondering what type of insulation is best for this assembly. I haven't yet taken the…

  • Question & Answers

    Cost of Sheathing with Zip System

    Hi All, Can anyone give me a ballpark figure on the cost of installing Zip sheathing (7/16)? Specifically the total cost including the tape and associated flashing. Assume standard 2x6…

  • Question & Answers

    Air-Sealing Beneath Hardwood Floors

    We will be installing hardwood flooring with nails and I’m hoping to find an underlayment that will help maintain a good (if not perfect) air seal between the topside of…

  • Question & Answers

    Are There Fire Resistant Window Screens?

    Much has been written about fire resistant materials for roofs, walls, decks, etc but I was wondering what are the best products for window screens? I'm thinking particularly of the…