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General Questions- Page 129 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    House wrap over Zip or Forcefield

    Is it possible to use a house wrap with a built-rain screen over Zip system or Forcefield sheathing without causing a moisture problem between the two barriers?  I already have…

  • Question & Answers

    Low-Flow Plumbing Fixtures and Chlorine Corrosion

    Are Low Flow Plumbing Fixtures Causing Piping Systems to Fail Due to Chemical Corrosion? I found this article from the Green Builder Media website in which building science consultant Steve…

  • Question & Answers

    This Old House: Understanding Low-Level CO Monitors

    This is a great video on the differences between a regular, code required carbon monoxide monitor and a low-level monitor and why you should consider having both in your home.

  • Question & Answers

    Feedback on Floor Plan

    Editing: I've attached the revised floor plan to as comment below. Excited to share our floor plan here and see what people think. The home is for 5 people, expecting it…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating an Attic With 2×6 Rafters

    I live in NJ in an old 1930's house. I've only got 2x6 rafters in the roof (which is interesting). My attic is currently uninsulated and there's a lot of…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Low-Slope Roof in Hot-Humid Climate

    I am a homeowner in the Southeast (mild winters and hot, humid summers) and am looking for guidance on how to approach issues of ventilation and insulation in our mid-1960s,…

  • Question & Answers

    Air-Sealing and Insulating Shed Roof of Addition

    Hi folks, I have a question regarding use of rockwool in small shed roof style addition. I have not used mineral wool insulation before. Here's the scenario: Small cabin in…

  • Question & Answers

    radon mitigation; climate zone 6 in central Maine, HRV?

    We are selling 1.5 story 1989 home (yikes, our closing is in 3 weeks), 645 sq ft dry basement with concrete floor /walls. Basement radon level is 11.7. The house…

  • Question & Answers

    What Filter box to buy please?

    I have a panasonic Intelli Balance 200cfmthe filters are way too expensive, what filter box can I add to save money on filters? Can someone please recommend a good one…

  • Question & Answers

    Taping Foam on Roof

    Redoing a low slope roof, 1-12. Installing 5" of rigid foam (GPS) on the deck, wondering what the value of taping the seams would be. There will be two layers…