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General Questions- Page 126 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    ERV vs. HRV and Humidity in Cold Climate

    Hi I'm in Ottawa Canada and I'm deciding between a HRV and an ERV.I live in a row house, the square footage is 20 x 40 feet, two stories. 1…

  • Question & Answers

    What are others seeing for co2 levels while sleeping?

    I am curious what others with PGH houses are seeing for co2 levels while sleeping. I recently got a Aranet4  (calibrated it) and just began getting some data for a…

  • Question & Answers

    Fire Specialist Stephen L. Quarles and Lomanco Metal Ridge Vents

    I finally found this link after searching through a sea of research folders.A while back I contacted Stephen Quarles, who studies how wildfires affect wood frame building and is affiliated…

  • Question & Answers

    Framing lumber grades

    Hi,Gut reno. My engineer specified DF#1 for all framing lumber. My builder used DF#2 lumber for all framing. Is there a structural issue?ThanksLene

  • Question & Answers

    Shared Ductwork for Heat Pump and Furnace

    My house in Massachusetts has forced-air heating with a gas furnace. I also have two heat pumps which take care of cooling and also help with heating. One of them…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior/Interior insulation ratios – 2×4 insulation in a 2×6 wall?

    I will be using 3" exterior GPS foam on my house (R 14.5). The walls will be 24" o.c. 2x6. I want to use Rockwool bc of its properties over…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Insulation for Mixed Concrete & Stud Half-Wall

    I have not found an explicit answer for how to insulate a basement wall where the bottom is a concrete form and the top is existing 2x6 framing, so wanted…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Metal-Framed Building

    Hello, I have a metal framed building that I will be using as a shop and am in the process of figuring out my insulation. Right now it's just framed…

  • Question & Answers

    Panasonic WhisperFitDC wiring

    I installed a Panasonic WhisperfitDC 110 fan with the humidity sensor built in.  The goal being to make sure anyone who takes a shower will automatically trip the fan on.…

  • Question & Answers

    thermal imaging camera recommendation

    thermal cameras are cheap relative to what they used to cost 15 or 20 years ago.Does anyone have a recommendation for a thermal camera for non-commercial use? I'd like to…