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General Questions- Page 123 of 1410

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    Integrating Above-Grade Storm Shelter

    We are working through the design of a house, and one of the things we have been toying back and forth with is the need for a basement.  Space for…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting Between Insulation Layers Inside Log Cabin

    Hi all, I am insulating our 150 year old log cabin internally, 4” PIR boards between studs (e.g. Kingspan) and planning for 2” over the face. The log walls are…

  • Question & Answers

    How would you redesign this space?

    Hope everyone is well. Looking over my current first floor layout, I think it’s just poorly designed. To the back of the home I have a deck that is 14’…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior Paint for Cold-Weather Application

    Based on my project timeline it looks like I will be ready for exterior paint sometime in December.  Although I am in NC, it still gets cold at night and…

  • Question & Answers

    Concerned about Health and Dust from UFFI while Removing it

    I am remodeling the exterior of my home. The Masonite siding was directly attached to the studs with no sheathing, and the insulation behind it I have come to learn…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a Metal Building with High Humidity

    Im needing to insulate/seal a Steel I-beam Building that will be used for Poultry Processing. Location is in Zone 2 (southern Florida) There is a lot of inside moisture/humidity caused…

  • Question & Answers

    “Sub-baseboard” Should I keep it?

    I'm not really sure what to call this, but my old lathe and plaster walls had 1x4s all along the bottom. This was behind the molded baseboard and didn't have…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation for scissor truss

    I just read a Fine Homebuilding article that suggests it is a bad idea to use cellulose or batt insulation for scissor truss with a bottom chord any steeper than…

  • Question & Answers


    Figured it out.

  • Question & Answers

    Wall Assembly Question Zone 4A

    HelloI am in Zone 4A in NY and am planning the following wall assembly for a single family house:sheetrockR21 Rockwool batt in 2x6 wallcdxhydrogap cedar shingleWe are planning to use the…