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General Questions- Page 120 of 1410

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    Sorry just realized I dupe-posted this somehow and now I can't figure out how to delete it!

  • Question & Answers

    EPS vs. XPS for Subslab Insulation

    2" Rigid Insulation XPS vs EPS Climate zone 6A Installing 2" of rigid foam under basement & crawl slab. Two products are available in my neck of the woods. 1.…

  • Question & Answers

    Floor Registers in Raised Floor Assembly

    Should I Connect a Raised Interior Floor System to the Interior Room Environment Via Air Registers? I’m designing a small cabin that’s being built 3 feet off the ground on…

  • Question & Answers

    Fixing a discovered bath exhausting to attic

    Hi all, I own and reside in a 1943 home in climate zone 4a home, largely renovated but some not details not so well.I discovered my master bath's exhaust vent…

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    Liquid Flashing Not Curing

    My liquid window flashing that cures in 6hrs isn’t curred 2 days later. Help ideas? Hey all, I used Benjamin Obdyke HydroFlash LA around four of my rough openings 2…

  • Question & Answers

    Wall Cavity Insulation and Zip R3 Sheathing

    Seeking ideas for insulating wall cavities with Zip R3 sheathing Hi, We live in climate zone 5a. We had planned to use Zip R9 sheathing on the exterior walls (2x4's)…

  • Question & Answers

    How would you extend an existing home only a few feet

    Hey hope all is well. Just brainstorming on ways to add room. My second floor is about 8 foot shorter than my first floor. Which is too short for a…

  • Question & Answers

    Window head flashing is at the top of the window or top of the window?

    Hello,I can't quite find what exactly is head flashing.Hammer and Hand and Fine Home have it at the top of the trim ABOVE the window: home also uses a nailer…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Rim Joist With No Sill Plate

    I recently had an energy audit/blower door test on my 1963 single-story ranch home near Detroit, Michigan in zone 6A. The auditor noted cold air infiltration along some baseboards, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Air/Vapor Control Method with Future Work in Mind

    air / vapor barrier for shared wall of future finished bonus room? My house build is moving along but we are over budget and as a result, we will opt…