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General Questions- Page 119 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Hot hybrid roof retrofit in zone 5?

    Hi folks,We're finally pulling the trigger and getting started on fixing up our house that's over 115 years old!The current roof and attic is completely uninsulated barring some poor blown-in…

  • Question & Answers

    Loose-Fill Insulation in a Temperate Climate

    Is loose fill cellulose in the attic a bad idea in the PNW? I'm in the Seattle area (Climate 4c; rainy much of the year). My general contractor's insulation guys…

  • Question & Answers

    Stone Veneer Under Patio Meets Concrete Flashing

    I plan to install brick veneer on a wall under a front porch cover like shown in the attached photo. I was planning on installing a layer of felt over…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Both Sides of a Slab

    Basement Floor Insulation Strategy - Above and Beneath? Designing a new home in CZ5. Consultant recommended insulating both below and above basement foundation for comfort and minimizing potential moisture issues.…

  • Question & Answers

    Target CFM for a mini-split

    We are doing a full renovation of a 3-story stone carriage house (built 1903) outside Philadelphia.  2000 ft2 per floor w/ 9.5' ceilings on main floor.  Due to ducting difficulties,…

  • Question & Answers

    Mechanical vs. Natural Ventilation

    Ventilate right V Crack the windows 30x32 open concept + loft 3.5/12 single pitch 9' walkout basement Hearthstone 40 in kitchen NE 1st floor Possible custom masonry heater 8x4  (footed)…

  • Question & Answers

    Attic Floor with Closed Cell on Undersurface Ventilated Attic

    Planning for ventilated attic above second level.Mechanicals would be in closet on second level. Ducting would be within ventilated attic. Would seal ducting with closed cell as needed.I understand ideally…

  • Question & Answers

    Frost-Protected Shallow Foundation for Addition

    Hello everyone, I have a few questions/ideas to bounce of this great community here at GBA. I am adding on to a 30'x40' building. This existing building has a typical…

  • Question & Answers

    High Humidity in Apartment Above Garage

    70% Humidity We recently moved into our newly constructed garage with an apartment above it. The building is pretty tight but I do not know how tight yet. Blower door…

  • Question & Answers

    Salvaging old foil-faced polyiso

    I'm doing a little renovation in SE PA (4a/5a) and have modified an exterior wall that is old foil-faced 1/2" polyiso over plywood. I had had a discussion with my…