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General Questions- Page 118 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Passive Radon System in New Home

    3900 ft2 house with half of the ft2 in the basement with balanced ventilation and a 0.76 ACH50. I just finished my home this summer and have been tracking radon…

  • Question & Answers

    More Insulation vs. More Airflow

    Better insulation or better airflow in cathedral ceiling? Hello, Looking for some advice about what to do with cathedral ceiling insulation. I’ve read the article and it got me thinking,…

  • Question & Answers

    Low-e Window Film Coating for Glass

    DIY low-e film coatings Anyone aware of low-e window film coatings available to DIY in the U.S.?  I'm not talking about those window insulation films that create a pocket of…

  • Question & Answers

    Trimming Innie Windows

    Hi, I have seen various approach different builder have taken but I am looking for suggestion on how to best trim out my innie windows for my new build homes.…

  • Question & Answers

    WRB Over Zip R and Insofast

    We are building a ranch with a walkout basement on the south side and "lookout" basement (ie basement with windows above grade) on the west side. From the floor trusses…

  • Question & Answers

    Does an interior air barrier attached to the inside of Zip sheathing form a continuous air barrier?

    I'm renovating a townhouse, meaning I have a front and back exterior wall but my side walls are shared with my neighbors. Obviously I cannot do the traditional thing and…

  • Question & Answers

    Architect Steve Baczek Discusses Wakol Roll-On Subfloor Sealer

    I was watching a Youtube video from Architect Steve Baczek about his Build Show Boston project and at minute 23:10 he interviewed the New England Rep for a company called…

  • Question & Answers

    Sealing Up Enclosed Gazebo

    Hi There,I have an enclosed gazebo that has decking boards for a floor (currently with just carpet sitting directly on the decking boards.  I am looking to make it more…

  • Question & Answers

    Audiobook Recommendation: The Science of Energy

    I wanted to recommend this audiobook as I just finished it (for second time) and think it gives some really interesting base knowledge on energy and its production. If you…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Gap Between Sistered I-Joists

    Insulating dual I-joist dead air space I am in the midst of construction of a 230 Sq foot addition over a ventilated crawl space.  During construction, I saw that because…