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General Questions- Page 117 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Choosing Triple-Pane IGUs

    Help me pick triple pane IGU to help combat solar glare, and patio heating What should I be looking for in the specs of the many different IGU options to…

  • Question & Answers

    Strongwall Foundation Underpinning

    I was researching foundation underpinning and I still don't understand how it helps with shear/strongwall panel fixes. Most of what I found seems to relate to adding basement living space…

  • Question & Answers

    Chimney Enclosure – Above Roofline

    Hello GBA, looking for some advice on the exterior portion of a chimney enclosure. Project details -certified wood burning fireplace -insulated chimney pipe -all clearances have been met We recently conducted the above roof decorative…

  • Question & Answers

    Retrofit Vapor barrier

    Talking to a friend about a personal project.He is converting an older detached 1 car garage to a small art studio for his mother in law.CZ 4C (Portland OR)He’s asking…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting at Intersection With Uninsulated Cathedral Roof

    (re-post since I put the first under the wrong topic) Hello community - questions up-front:* How can I prevent soffit-less rafter bays from drawing conditioned air out from the house? (current…

  • Question & Answers

    New ERV smell solution, or am I risking damage to the unit?

    I just installed a Panasonic FV10EC2 ERV and as quite a few people have commented the core has a distinct, and unpleasant chemical smell when new. I know that this…

  • Question & Answers

    Can’t find UNFACED insulation for attic in San Diego- Can I use faced insulation instead?

    20 years ago, everyone in San Diego used Kraft faced fiberglass insulation, with paper side facing in.   Now, science seems to say the paper facing isn't really beneficial and was…

  • Question & Answers

    News Item: USDA Updates Plant Hardiness Map

    Half the country changed zones: newly updated government map has many of the nation's gardeners rushing online, Googling what new plants they can grow in their mostly warming regions.It's called…

  • Question & Answers

    Amber Westerman & The Zero Energy Project Website

    Here's a great website with  lot of information on building a Zero Energy home. Westerman, who just published an article here, also has a lot of great information on the…

  • Question & Answers

    Passive Radon System in New Home

    3900 ft2 house with half of the ft2 in the basement with balanced ventilation and a 0.76 ACH50. I just finished my home this summer and have been tracking radon…