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General Questions- Page 115 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Window trim flashing details on a flanged window?

    I plan to have Marvin Elevate, flanged windows installed using the Marvin Method and integrated into Benjamin Obdyke hydrogap WRB.  This means that the WRB will lap on top of…

  • Question & Answers

    In floor heating vs extra insulation ROI

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if I could get some real world experience feedback regarding installing a warm board in floor heating system vs using that same capital (35-40,000) to…

  • Question & Answers

    Foam boards to air seal attic floor

    Anything wrong with using rigid foam panels taped and spray foamed to air seal a true attic floor? Additional insulation on top. It will be unused space.Zone 5. Our 2x8…

  • Question & Answers

    Home Performance – Corbett & Grace Lunsford New Series on the Scientific Study of Home Chemistry

    This video is an overview of what’s coming up in a new series on Corbett and Grace Lunsford’s Home Performance Youtube channel, and it’s about “Home Chemistry”. Over the last…

  • Question & Answers

    Do you seal the sill interior if you’ve sealed the sill on the exterior?

    Don't laugh. Don't make we mental gymnastic the title again :)I applied Prosoco Joint stuff on the exterior on the seal and then put Siga Fentrim overlapping this onto the…

  • Question & Answers

    Air-Sealing Windows on Interior Side

    Recommended or your practice for best product on air sealing new windows? Hey all, I'm putting my nail fin windows in today. I think I have the outside understood okay…

  • Question & Answers

    A mostly foam free cathedral ceiling question

    Hello all,First, thanks to everyone who has commented on my prior questions (Akos in particular).  This is site is a remarkable resource.  I'm in the process of a major renovation of…

  • Question & Answers

    Leaking Replacement Window

    Window leak with aluminum siding and replacement window Hey all, While working on the addition to wife protectively and successfully let me know a window on the second floor…

  • Question & Answers

    Bedroom to Bathroom Height Transition and Thresholds

    Bathroom remodels often have some height transition.  Our previous bathroom remodel required a 1/2" step up which is barely noticeable (we used a small tapered transition strip) an nobody has…

  • Question & Answers

    Doing a Roof Retrofit Over Time

    Exterior and Interior Roof Insulation - Potential problems with a two step delayed project? I have a one and a half story in zone 4.  Pretty typical with these constructions,…