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General Questions- Page 113 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    How critical is sealing seams (not joints) on dryer ducting?

    I'm in the Pacific Northwest (Climate Zone 4 Coastal). I just realized our dryer ducting (rigid) is sealed at the joints but not along the seams. Most of it is…

  • Question & Answers

    Best caulk for fiber cement siding, miratec and fiberglass?

    I am looking for recommendations from experts on what caulk will offer a good balance of durability, cost and ease of application for use on fiber cement siding, Miratech, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Can tape fill in missing poly vapor barrier?

    Hey all,I had an insulation company foam my ceiling and the company was cheaper than what I could buy the wall batt insulation for, so I had them do the…

  • Question & Answers

    Filter barometric relief / gravity damper for makeup air?

    I'm currently looking into parsimonious makeup air solutions for a ~ 600 CFM remote-blower island range hood. As an air pollution scientist, I really want to get the hood system…

  • Question & Answers

    Recladding With Stucco

    Stucco wall assembly climate zone 2A Hello, I am remodeling my 1980 house in Climate Zone 2A. I want to change the exterior to stucco. After a lot of research…

  • Question & Answers

    Outside corner to roof overhang flashing detail?

    Should there be some additional pre flashing done in the area shown in my picture below?  This is a front porch roof overhang that will have metal roofing on it…

  • Question & Answers

    “Pretty Good” Windows for a Warm Climate

    Window recommendation for climate zone 2 We live in Phoenix in a modest 3 bedroom 2 bath 1500 sf house. My wife would like to replace the windows that are…

  • Question & Answers

    Vinyl or fiberglass for this specific case?

    I am buying a small number of ALL fixed windows for a small outbuilding and am head scratching over vinyl vs fiberglass.Fiberglass is about 25% more money but I think…

  • Question & Answers

    Plywood as interior cladding and air quality

    I am building a small shop/multipurpose building and am considering plywood as the interior cladding. If it's done right I like the clean look and I would be able to…

  • Question & Answers

    Whole-House Energy Monitoring System

    Emporia vs Eyedro vs ??? for whole home electricity monitoring After reading Allison Bailes’ article I began looking into whole house monitoring on a circuit by circuit level as part…