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General Questions- Page 112 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    ERV in Cold Wet Climate

    Hi everyone. The climate here in Southeast Alaska is notoriously wet. Our outdoor relative humidity is ~80% year round, and our 1% Cooling and 99% Heating temperatures are 69F and…

  • Question & Answers

    Band Joist and Sill Plate Insulation Moisture

    Long time reader, first time poster here.  Thank you to all who contribute. So my question has to do with closed cell spray foaming the band joist in my 1976,…

  • Question & Answers

    Trim before soffit out of order…recommend a gap amount?

    Hi,I was going to do my own soffit and fascia, even bought it and brought it home, but running out of time and thought someone who does it for a…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior closed cell spray foam on the cottage siding

    I am considering adding closed cell spray foam to the exterior of my cottage.  The walls are 2x4 studs every 24" and then horizontal siding (the exterior side of the…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat Recovery with HPWH

    For two years I've been planning the house I broke ground on this week and in it, I've been planning on going radiant heat with an air to water heat…

  • Question & Answers

    Long down time on ducted heat pump

    Hi everyone. Question about run times on my heat pump. I’ve seen lots of questions on either always running and not getting warm enough or short cycling due to oversizing.…

  • Question & Answers

    JLC Business Tune Up Guide by David Gerstel

    This is an interesting article by David Gerstel, who wrote the book "Nail Your Numbers: A Path to Skilled Construction Estimating and Bidding." can join the site for free and…

  • Question & Answers

    chimney support needed?

    Replacing the roof, wondering whether the masonry chimney needs the support bar in the photo. The chimney is plumb and in good structural condition, 18"x36" or so and rises about…

  • Question & Answers

    GC put tar on 100% of foundation. I’m finding a lack of solutions for apperance fixes

    Hey all,My general contractor's crew applied a black roll on tar on 100% of the exterior crawl space foundation. I know it came from Home Depot as that's where they…

  • Question & Answers

    Footings for Load-Bearing Posts

    When is new footing needed when adding basement posts? We are adding a beam to our basement to correct some floor bounce in the kitchen which is over an open…