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General Questions- Page 110 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Roof Replacement: Suggestions and what do about my roof in a roof

    I'm a fairly new homeowner and the last month we had a leak in our roof. We knew coming into the home that we were going to have to replace…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Insulation (1920s brick home – zone 5/6)

    Summary: We are refinishing an exterior wall (ideally with dry wall). We are replacing due to water damage (NOT from exterior water - there was an unrelated pipe burst). Since…

  • Question & Answers

    Window Bucks in old structural brick

    I own a 1900 structural brick building (two wythe on all sides except front is 3) in Richmond , Virginia. The brick is obviously extremely brittle as is the mortar.…

  • Question & Answers

    Miratec for fascia with rain gutters?

    In perhaps the final decision to be made before my siding gets installed next week I was curious what the thoughts are here regarding the use of Miratec for fascia. …

  • Question & Answers

    Installing ventilation in 1850s farmhouse

    I have an 1850 farmhouse I've been renovating. On the advice of Efficiency Maine, I installed spray foam along the sills and down 4 feet, and I sprayfoamed the ceilings…

  • Question & Answers

    Encapsulating a Vented Crawlspace

    My crawlspace encapsulation is different Hey all, Thank you so much for all the help on my addition. This one is wordy. Sorry. I am handy but not skilled. Therefore,…

  • Question & Answers

    Foundation insulation choice

    Hi there I'm located in southern. Ontario. I'm renovating my basement and trying to make a choice here for insulation. For 2" GPS board at r10 is $55 per sheet (ouch).…

  • Question & Answers

    Deck ledger on 120 year old brick building

    How should I approach this deck ledger?  It will be epoxy bolted into the brick, however, how would you place a ledger against that door sill at the top of…

  • Question & Answers

    Staples Go Through Floor and Terminate in Air

    staple length for fastening underlayment Dear GBA friends, I'm in a pretty irritating situation.  I just had marmoleum flooring installed, and it looks fairly good.  (I won't get into the…

  • Question & Answers

    Air sealing a building in the winter.

    I have yet to put on the roof of the house I am building and we have had several snowfalls.  Tomorrow is december 1.  Are there any air sealing products…