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General Questions- Page 106 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    What’s the best way to dry this project?

    Hi All,I have a new build going up in southern WI (climate zone 5 or 6a). The house is currently quite humid/wet as the drywall was just finished. I’m wondering…

  • Question & Answers

    sizing an ERV before blower door test?

    I am aiming for a tight house but I have no way to know how successful my air sealing work is since we are still at rough-in.  If I end…

  • Question & Answers

    air-sealing a bonus room knee wall for climate 4a?

    I am in zone 4a (central NC) and have decided to have the bonus room above the garage finished off during the initial construction of the house and so I…

  • Question & Answers

    “The River House”

    I like to post links to stories about interesting houses. Here's one in Westport, MA:,118308From the article it seems like it's a triumph of architecture -- and a catastrophe of…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat AND dehumidify after drywall mudding in a new tight home?

    I live in the Seattle area where it’s currently in the high 30s (F) at night. We just had drywall hung and mudded, and they’re heating to 73F to “dry”…

  • Question & Answers

    Is Mastic sealent safe??

    I’m buying AC Infinity filter box to place infront of ERV to save on filters. Reviews are the box is not fully sealed when prople flashed light it goes…

  • Question & Answers

    Smart Membrane for Wood Interior

    Do all interior wall coverings other than drywall need a smart membrane? I am building a small shop building and am considering doing the interior in either wood paneling or…

  • Question & Answers

    Impact of Air-Sealing on Ventilation and Moisture Control

    Hello, I have a question about the relationship between ventilation and air-sealing improvements in my home: How do air-sealing improvements interact with ventilation for moisture control? I live in a…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Floor of Bedroom Above a Garage

    Hello, I am building in zone 6B and have a garage that will be directly below a master bathroom and bedroom. I was looking for any input on how I…

  • Question & Answers

    Leveling Existing Slab with Builders Sand?

    Hi All,Location: SeattleClimate Zone: 4CI will soon be ready to install the flooring in a detached garage (10'x20') that I am converting into a conditioned workshop.  The existing floor is…