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General Questions- Page 105 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Initial attic insulation–foam board or mineral wool?

    I have 0 insulation in my attic. It's going to be a couple months before MassSave can come out and insulate (due to a few barriers that need to be…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage Insulation & HVAC on a Limited Budget – Detached – Zone 6

    I'm looking for limited budget ideas about how to insulate my new construction detached garage. I've been through the wringer on the house with spray foam.Specifications:Climate Zone 6Stick built, 2x6…

  • Question & Answers

    Minimal Modulation with Ducted Heat Pump

    Mitsubishi ducted heatpump; minimum modulation of 40,000 BTU I read all the great articles and question/comments here on ducted mini and multi-splits and the importance of minimum modulation to reduce…

  • Question & Answers

    Hoping for help

    I'm hoping someone can shed a little insight on this for me. I am installing black (exposed fastener) metal panels over an Advantech decked roof structure with Mento 3000 membrane.…

  • Question & Answers

    Moving Thermal Boundary to Roof Sheathing

    Attic Insulation Advice Zone 3A (mixed humid) - SC SC is still under 2009 IECC, R-30 insulation level I have a 1.5 story Gambrel roof constructed from trusses with a…

  • Question & Answers

    Comparing Self-Balancing Feature of ERVs

    I'm comparing 2 different ERV models, I'm wondering which is better at 'self-balancing'The 2 modles are the Panasonic FV-10VEC2 and the Vannee A.I V150E75NT.One guy had shown me the Panasonic…

  • Question & Answers

    Mirror Airflow ERV

    Hey all!I am building a new house and ran all the dedicated ductwork for an erv (Lifebreath Max Xtr). The unit shows that it has a mirrored airflow configuration in…

  • Question & Answers

    Is Insulation required for filter box

    I got this AC Infinity box 8” to put on the fresh air intake before my ERV to save on filters. Does this need to be insulated? If yes how…

  • Question & Answers

    Schluter Floor Drain Product for Laundry Rooms & “Trap Primer” Drains

    I was watching an episode of Matt Risinger's in which he goes over old videos of his own home  build and discusses how things worked out and what he'd change.One…

  • Question & Answers

    Help with old church insulation and air barrier

    We're doing some eneregy upgrades in our church and I'm looking for advice on the assembly options for this equipment loft space. We're in climate zone 4a. The roofing material…