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General Questions- Page 104 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Problems Specifying Fresh Air Handlers During Wildfire Conditions

    Hey everyone, I was watching this video on indoor air quality during wildfires from Ekobuilt Passive Homes on Youtube (filmed in Ottawa, Canada) and at minute 7:45 the host, Paul…

  • Question & Answers

    Finding Pro to Run Manual J and Manual D

    Hey all, I am looking to find someone to do a full Manual J and Manual D for a reno project I have going in Salt Lake City.  I've done…

  • Question & Answers

    Fiberglass BIB Vapor Barrier

    Hi,I'm in CZ4 and just had the walls of our new addition insulated yesterday.  They did the BIB system with blown in fiberglass.  It left me wondering if there should…

  • Question & Answers

    Standing seam roof install in 6a

    We're having a standing seam metal roof installed on our two story 100 year old house in Minneapolis. Our attic has A/C ductwork in it and was air sealed and…

  • Question & Answers

    Backup Heating System Options?

    We're gut rennovating a home in southern NY and the main heating/cooling will be done with Mitsubishi Hyper Heat units. This is zone 5, R25 walls, R55 ceiling and pretty…

  • Question & Answers

    Passive House Standard for Max Air Leakage

    PH airtightness in CFM per square foot Hello GBA, I figured this was the best place to ask. Is 0.06 CFM50 per square foot the Passive House standard for maximum…

  • Question & Answers

    Detailing WRB with Flanged Window

    Flanged window install detail Is it acceptable to not fold the WRB into the sides of the window opening? I have found this detail makes air sealing from the interior…

  • Question & Answers

    Air sealing when working with heavily punctured osb

    We will be installing new siding on our house and as part of the project we are adding exterior insulation. The house previously had vinyl siding and 1/2" polyiso when…

  • Question & Answers

    Spray-foam air sealing failure at 15 years?

    I'm in 6a (Minneapolis) in a hundred year old two story house. We had air sealing and blown in cellulose done in the walls and attic in the Obama-incentive-era time-…

  • Question & Answers

    Initial attic insulation–foam board or mineral wool?

    I have 0 insulation in my attic. It's going to be a couple months before MassSave can come out and insulate (due to a few barriers that need to be…