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General Questions- Page 103 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Cold Temps and Flashing Installation

    when is it too cold to flash & roof (eg installing 'long' exterior products in winter) I have a ~"tiny house" that needs it's roof finished.  I got the underlayment…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat Pump Water Heater and Geothermal

    Did I waste money buying a heat pump water heater if my geothermal heating system already has a hot water generator in it?

  • Question & Answers

    Fastening 2×8 Plywood Sheathing to Framing

    We are remodeling a 1960’s ranch and the exterior sheathing is 2’x8’ (running horizontally) stapled to 2”x4” on 16” centers. My contractor says we need to block every two feet…

  • Question & Answers

    Interior Zip R ?

    I have a 28x28 traditional stick built standalone garage.It has fiberglass bat r13 insulation on the side walls and R-30 installation across traditional trusses on the ceiling.Interior is completely faced…

  • Question & Answers

    Is a standing seam metal roof a reasonable choice on an old house?

    We are looking at the replacement of our 20+ year old asphalt shingle roof on our 1929 stucco home. While our roof is not leaking at this time, it’s showing…

  • Question & Answers

    Moldy roof sheathing at overhang

    Hello, I converted the attic to a non vented configuration in a 1980 house in Climate Zone 2A. I blocked the area between the top plate and the underside of the…

  • Question & Answers

    Retrofit IGU: What is the Thinnest Glazing Bead?

    I'm retrofitting 100-year-old wooden sashes with insulated glass units. The below chart shows insulating U-values improve as the gap between layers of glass increases, for air or argon fill, peaking…

  • Question & Answers

    insulating between floor and wall

    My old log house( 1860s) has a sort of floating floor system with sleeper logs and tongue and groove pine flooring over an unconditioned crawlspace. I've been told the house…

  • Question & Answers

    Painting House Not Air-Sealed

    Short term heating of a house that’s not air sealed First of all I’m in the southeast zone 3 Winter here is mild but we can still have a few…

  • Question & Answers

    Mitsubishi ODU draws high load for a minute (not defrost)

    I thought I read the reason behind this awhile back on this forum, but can not find the answer again. I know it’s not defrost cycle because defrost lasts longer than…