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General Questions- Page 102 of 1410

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    Insulating a 1970s Cape Cod house during a full renovation

    Hello and thank you in advance for anyone who answers this question. I'm one of the many poor souls who has found themselves with a 1970s cape that needs some…

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  • Question & Answers

    Electrical Wire Derating for Wires in Air Tight Spaces

    I'm finishing a builder-framed bonus room above my garage.  I live in Zone 4 in Sussex County, Delaware.  The garage walls, doors and ceiling are insulated. I'm insulating from the knee…

  • Question & Answers

    GP forcefield and rigid foam

    I'm working on a project house of mine and wanted to try and experiment with some of the newer sheathing with integrated wrb for various reasons but I've run into…

  • Question & Answers

    Air sealing a bonus room with a dormer, sloped ceiling and knee walls?

    I am looking for advice on how to air seal my bonus room in zone 4a.  The main house uses the taped and caulked sheathing as the air barrier and…

  • Question & Answers

    Liquid Air Barrier Beneath Rigid Foam

    Applying Liquid Air Barrier on Concrete Basement Wall Beneath XPS Foam Hello! I am just about to start insulating my basement - the walls are half concrete and then transition…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat Pump Operating Wattage

    I'm going crazy... My 3 ton heat pump is only drawing 2.1 kW and blowing 80 degree air. Is this normal? So, per its matchup chart, the best it can…

  • Question & Answers

    Craning an Assembled Roof Onto Walls

    Location: Nova Scotia, Canada (Zone 6 lite). Building dimensions: 22' x 32'. Roof: 7:12 Gable Has anyone partially / fully built a trussed roof on the ground and hoisted it…

  • Question & Answers

    EPDM to Asphalt Shingles Transition

    EPDM transition to shingles and roof leak help I have a 1:12 shed dormer on my house outside of Boston.  I recently had the shingle roof replaced, but left the…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting a Rainscreen and Roof with Exposed Rafter Tails

    I am installing a 1x strapping rainscreen and a roof with vent channels. The eaves are open-- exposed rafter tails.  So there is no soffit. I am trying to figure…