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General Questions- Page 101 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Mitsubishi minisplit recovery after power outage

    My wife and I still heat our house with a wood stove, but we have installed a Mitsubishi ductless minisplit in the living room for backup heat when we are…

  • Question & Answers

    Article idea- wall assemblies that work

    I think GBA should write a guide to wall assemblies that work, similar to the cathedral ceiling guide. I feel like that guide is constantly cited and I see a…

  • Question & Answers

    Preheat/ temper incoming air for HRV

    I live in zone 6a and was wondering if it is feasible to incorporate a GAHT system to temper the incoming air for an HRV.  For those unfamiliar with what…

  • Question & Answers

    Double stud wall flared window well details?

    Good day folks, I’m currently finalizing the details of my plans for a PGH with my architect. It has an approx 1800sq ft footprint. 30’x60’ main floor plus walkout basement.…

  • Question & Answers

    T-studs vs external insulation

    The best practice in many areas right now seems to be 2*6 walls with external insulation. I imagine it's better bang for the buck than double stud walls and 2*8…

  • Question & Answers

    Used Motor Oil To Discourage Carpenter Bees

    As some higher quality paints and stains get close to $100 a gallon, and carpenter bees doing expensive damage, why not try used motor oil?  I did an experiment on…

  • Question & Answers

    Interior weeping tile double duty as earth tubes

    Hello all, I have a crazy idea I just wanted some thoughts on, if you don't mind. My 1960's home here in southern Ontario has a concrete basement floor sloped toward a…

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral Roof Venting and moisture

    I'm building a small (20x14) cathedral roof in Zone 4 - Maritime.  Occupancy use is part-time home office with 1-2 people.  (no cooking, no showers, perhaps a coffee maker) ie…

  • Question & Answers

    Best Synthetic Stucco for ICF

    Trying to get some input on the best synthetic stucco for ICF walls?  I found the company U-Stucco which seems like an interesting good production. They even claim an R-Value…

  • Question & Answers

    European Window Samples

    Hello all, we've been looking at importing windows from Europe.  On the fence between a few brands.  I found one supplier allows you to order corner samples and color charts. …