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General Questions

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    Attic conversion knee walls

    I have a 24' x 35' attic that has roof going all the way to floor but with steep pitch. I have t&g ply for the floors, but I am…

  • Question & Answers

    Floor Insulation

    I bought and am remodeling a house built in the 1920's with dirt floor vented crawlspace and an addition that was built in the 60's had to tear out and…

  • Question & Answers

    Can subfloor breathe between Quietwalk and Rmax Thermasheath polyso

    Hi all,We're in Zone 5, Northern California mountains, with very dry summers and variable-humidity winters (rain/snow raises humidity).We have a dirt crawlspace which we plan to put a vapor barrier…

  • Question & Answers

    Ice and water shield

    I'm doing a ventilated deep rafter cathedral.The main path for any drying would be in the ventilated cavity.So is there a risk to coving the entire roof in ice shield?Or…

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    ceiling drywall bowing up

    what could be causing the drywall in  a small house with an ERV that is very tight to bow up between the ceiling joists ?

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    Hybrid Insulation Zone 3 – Exterior vs. Interior Ratio

    I'm building a new house in the Dallas TX and I want to use a hybrid insulation strategy of poly-iso and mineral wool batts, but I'm struggling to understand the…

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    Dew point data

    Someone posted here a few months ago a site where you could get 99th percentile dew point data. Now I can't find it.Does that rig any bells?

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    Window jamb extensions

    Hello,I have 2" RockWool exterior insulation, vertical furring strips, and horizontal furring strips and I will be using Hardie Panel on top of that. My windows are flanged and taped…

  • Question & Answers

    HRV without using existing furnace fan?

    Hello everyone,Following the sage advice in this forum, I have done a number of green energy upgrades  to my house, including sealing the house really tightly, and switching my heating…

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    Foam and Siding over Existing T1-11 Siding

    Location Zone 3A OKC, OK. House constructed 1979. Wall details-5/8 Sheetrock-2/4 Wood Stud Fiberglass batt (Unsure if faced or not. I know areas I have demoed in interior walls separating the…