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Expert Exchange Q&A- Page 9 of 11

  • Question & Answers

    PGH Book Wall Assemblies-Vapor variable membranes p.119

    “..these membranes are composed of materials that become less permeable as humidity increases on its interior side and more permeable as the air dries.””… but in general they are designed…

  • Question & Answers

    How to Insulate An Unvented Low Slope Roof Assembly?

    We are trying to finalize our deck over conditioned space assembly (low-slope unvented roof) where we will have a continuous layer of exterior insulation but not sufficient space to achieve…

  • Question & Answers

    How to fix existing walls with 2 vapor barriers?

    Hi everyone. Like to get input on the best way forward as we replace our masonite siding with fiber cement lap siding.  I'm concerned that if the existing wall structure…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Roof Retrofit and Dormer Addition

    We need a new roof on our  CZ5 1998 house and I'm struggling to figure out the right approach.  Our existing wall and roof assemblies aren't great: - Walls are…

  • Question & Answers

    DIY Radon Mitigation Solution

    OK so I know none of this is code and could be considered unsafe, but.... I'm installing a fresh air intake system. In my area is is recommended to install…

  • Question & Answers

    Adding Xypex to Concrete Mix for Footings

    Instead of fooling with a capillary break, I've decided to add Xypex to my concrete mix.  Having very minimal knowledge of concrete science, I asked for compression tests.   Here are…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a sloped ceiling

    I'm remodeling my house in Virgina Beach, Virginia, climate Zone 4.  On the lower floor I have a sloped ceiling that follows the same slope as the roof with a…

  • Question & Answers

    Thermal Bridging on Brick Building

    We are building restaurant in North Carolina and have run into a big issue. The plans describe, from inside to outside—metal studs, OSB, vapor barrier, continuous foam board, air gap,…

  • Question & Answers

    Porch conversion

    I work as an estimator for a company and was asked to build the budget for a project where the owner wants to convert an enclosed unconditioned porch to a…

  • Question & Answers

    Actual Build or Bid Comparisons of Radiant vs Heat Pump?

    Hi All,Has anyone built or received comparative bids somewhat recently between an air source heat pump vs radiant heat system, both installed by a contractor?Secondly, by chance have you received…