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Expert Exchange Q&A- Page 8 of 11

  • Question & Answers

    double stud wall refit

    We are renovating a small rectangular home in climate zone 7We have removed the entire inside of the building to the four exterior 2x4 wallsThere is buffalo board type sheathing…

  • Question & Answers

    High Humidity and Mold in Concrete Building

    I'm working with a building that's performed poorly since it was built. It's in the San Francisco Bay area Zone 3, built 1958 with all concrete construction over three levels:…

  • Question & Answers

    Seeking Rhode Island info

    Seeking GBA wisdom on the regulatory landscape of RI.  My daughter is new to Providence and is looking to buy a small fixer-upper or build on one of those tiny…

  • Question & Answers

    Solar Ready Load Center Pedestal

    We are looking to add a 19Kw ground mount PV system in the near future. Our electric service has a Midwest Pedestal with meter that we planned to connect to.…

  • Question & Answers

    Sewer Smell

    I have a family member that recently bought a 60s era town house on the BC North Coast. They have a sewer smell in their house, they say it gets…

  • Question & Answers

    micro CHP

    I'm starting to look at microCHP for residential homes of ~ 2500 sf and <5 kW.  My understanding is that for gas heated buildings the mCHP will not compete with…

  • Question & Answers

    air to water conversion

    I have a 5000Sf wood frame house - two stories and finished partially above grade basement that was built in 1995. Nantucket Mass - Zone 5A. The heating system is…

  • Question & Answers

    How to get a traditional hot water radiation system off oil

    I have a 3 story 1890's building in St. John's, Newfoundland that is in a state of incomplete renovation.  (UFFI insulation in exterior walls replaced with Roxul; knob and tube…

  • Question & Answers

    Do I need an insulation blocker where attic meets sofit eaves

    Just moved in to a 12 year old house in Ontario, Canada and am having my attic insulation removed and replaced with cellulose R60. While taking this opportunity to air…

  • Question & Answers

    Detailing a Rainscreen

    Hello All, I've read a few 'rainscreen' articles and searched the detail drawings on GBA and search the WWWs for days (okay, maybe hours). I've pieced together some of the…