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Expert Exchange Q&A- Page 7 of 11

  • Question & Answers

    Seismic retrofit for a Terra Cotta structural block foundation?

    I’m doing a large remodel this next year on a 1906 farmhouse in the pacific NW. The basement foundation is terra cotta structural block. Anyone have any ideas on how…

  • Question & Answers

    Open Cell Off-Gassing – Contractor Wants to Remove and Spray Closed Cell Over

    Hello! I had a contractor spray our attic on 2/3/23. They used closed-cell and open-cell foam in our attic. The open cell was used behind knee walls in our attic…

  • Question & Answers

    Exposed poured concrete foundation wall protection

    We are considering  a home purchase in the Cincinnati, Ohio area (climate zone 5).The home has a walkout basement.  The majority of the basement is finished.  The home does not…

  • Question & Answers

    Under Slab Vapor Barrier

    Hi, I have a somewhat different situation on this one.  We are in Los Angeles. I have a 3 story new build residential construction, which includes a basement.  The basement foundation…

  • Question & Answers

    Rv mini split insta..

    Hi I am planning on installing a 2nd mini split in our 40' coach.I have one in the main bedroom it's a wall hung 9k.Works awesome.But the second one I…

  • Question & Answers

    CLT replaces a concrete slab

    I'm soliciting input for a potential project in southern Arizona. The client has approached me about exorbitant costs related to concrete slabs. Although I specialize in SIPs and CLT, I've…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat pump air distribution noise

    Given that when I move/rebuild I probably will be required to use a heat pump (as opposed to a condensing boiler and baseboards), what is the air noise going to…

  • Question & Answers

    Is there a heavy duty structural sill seal tape kind?

    We are building a tiny home and we want to use a thermal breaker between the metal frame and the wood frame to be built, we are thinking of using…

  • Question & Answers

    Anybody dense pack a truss bay as part of a hybrid roof?

    Good Morning,I'm in zone 5 (southern RI) and I would like to do a hybrid roof with rockwool comfortboard on the exterior of the sheathing and dense pack cellulose on…

  • Question & Answers

    Small Thermostat Heater For Mechanical Room

    We live in Maine. I am looking for a small, energy efficient wall mounted heater for my mechanical room 150 sq feet that has a thermostat that will turn the…