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Expert Exchange Q&A- Page 6 of 11

  • Question & Answers

    1/2” Sheathing as subfloor over T&G flooring

    I’m renovating my second story on an old farmhouse. Currently there’s only 3/4” fir flooring installing over the 24 o/c joists without subfloor.I’ve got a stack of 1/2”ply sheathing left…

  • Question & Answers

    Structural Considerations for TJI Larsen Truss PGH build

    Hello all,  I'm looking to build a project with 9-1/2"TJI exterior trusses in order to achieve a solid continuous insulation layer outboard of the structural sheathing. The  main structural 2x4…

  • Question & Answers

    Air conditioner replacement

    Hi!  Looking for guidance on central A/C replacement..Current A/C has a leak (Trane XR15 - series model 4TTR5061E, 5.0 ton air cooled condensing unit, with a  matching 4TEE3F66A Air Handler)…

  • Question & Answers

    Mixed Heat Pump Application Performance Rating

    The NEEP site is a great resource for providing heat pump system performance data (COP, HSPF and capacity at various OA temps).  This data is available for "matched" systems with…

  • Question & Answers

    Tricks/Tips to safely lifting beams on a remote build?

    Hey all, Im framing a post/beam roof in a remote area and was curious of any tricks to safely lifting the beams without a telehandler or mini crane? Glulam ridge…

  • Question & Answers

    WRB Sealing The Envelope

    Hello, All.Newbie and aspiring #Green#LEED#Passive self builder here.So I am just starting to take my first steps towards self building my 1st home. This has been sometime in the making…

  • Question & Answers

    Foundation to Sill transition

    Curious if anyone has any comments on the flashing detail provided in the following image from Building America Solution Center.

  • Question & Answers

    Stucco or Plaster with exterior foam installation

    Any advice for stucco/plaster application over an exterior foam sheathed home?  My wall assembly is Zip sheathing with 3" taped Polyiso. I know there are multiple rainscreen products for stucco…

  • Question & Answers

    Deck Ledger options? Direct VS standoffs VS Deck Brackets?

    Hello, Ive got a few options on my ledger attachment and trying to decide the best route to go. Zone 4 retrofit, new sheathing with 3" polyiso exterior, rain screen…

  • Question & Answers

    Engineered Hardwood Finish for Raised Slab Over Crawlspace

    Ok, I have spent some time reading posts on this and my question is still unanswered-- so here we go. Climate Zone 5A, converting old covered sunroom (on above grade…