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Expert Exchange Q&A- Page 10 of 11

  • Question & Answers

    Failed Rim Joist Insulation Job

    I recently had a contractor install foam rim joist installation in my basement. They indicated the foam would be 2 to 3 inches thick. It appears the foam was not…

  • Question & Answers

    condensation calculator by CI Construction Instruction

    Wondering what kind of experience (if any) you have had with Construction Instructions new condensation calculator. What are your thoughts?Being located in Ontario Canada I found myself intrigued  

  • Question & Answers

    ERV vs. HRV for Freestanding Recording Studio

    If you don't mind, I'd like to lay out my thought process and then get some input. Living in the Portland, OR area, typically it's one of the few places…

  • Question & Answers

    Overwintering a Full-Basement Foundation

    Trying to carefully time some parts of our new build in climate zone 5. The foundation will be a full basement foundation. I have seen builders pour the foundation prior…

  • Question & Answers

    Preventing Condensation on Sheathing

    I am extremely sensitive to mold. We are planning to build a 1765 sq ft ranch in climate zone 5 and trying determine the best time to build. Initially we…

  • Question & Answers

    Removable termite inspection strip on exterior foundation insulation

    My question has to do with foam insulation on the exterior of a basement foundation. Has anyone implemented the strategy of a removable termite protection strip as shown in the…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior vs. Interior Basement Insulation

    Building in CT zone 5. I've been advised by our builder not to insulate the exterior foundation. He has done this in the past and there has been significant termite…

  • Question & Answers

    Experience with Lunos Fans

    Does anyone have experience with the Lunos e2 HRV or the Lunos E-Go HRV fans? I'd be interested to hear your experience with them. I'd also like to know if…

  • Question & Answers

    To Zehnder or Not To Zehnder That is The Question

    I'm in the beginning stages of designing a renovation in Ottawa, Canada, which is in the Zone 5a - 4 range. The house is 120+ years old and hasn't been…

  • Question & Answers

    Whole-House Dehumidification

    Building a new single story ranch with an unfinished basement in CT zone 5. I am extremely sensitive to mold. The home will be carefully designed taking many principles of…