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Building Code Questions- Page 9 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    LED strip lighting rough-in — what am I missing?

    I've seen a number of articles promoting the use of adhesive LED strip for various purposes -- indirect lighting behind moldings, task & accent lighting in cabinetry, etc.  But, I've…

  • Question & Answers

    Polyiso for Fire Blocking

    Can exposure rated polyiso insulation (like Thermax) be used for fire blocking? Working to finalize plans on my finished basement with open joist ceiling. Walls will be non-exposure rated polyiso…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor Barrier with Pier-and-Beam Foundation

    Hello, I bought a wooden cabin/house in Sweden around 70 sqm (750 sqft) and am now renovating it... I've read a lot of things about vapor barriers and understand I…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a Short Basement

    My latest dilemma in my retrofit project: I'd like to insulate the basement, and (perhaps more importantly) seal the walls & slab.  The current slab, while dry, has some cracks,…

  • Question & Answers

    IRC question regarding drip edge flashing

    I was discussing flashing thickness requirements with a few friends over lunch (riveting, I know), and I’d like y’all’s opinion. Most other flashing requirements are called out by minimum thicknesses, typically…

  • Question & Answers

    Trying to make sense of IRC2021 roof insulation requirements

    I'm hoping my friends and colleagues here can help me make sense of the IRC2021 roof insulation requirements."Assemblies shall have a U-value equal to or less than that specified in…

  • Question & Answers

    Makeup Air requirements in a “mostly” electric home

    Putting this under building code questions, but it could be under a lot of categories. I have read "All About Makeup Air" and "Makeup Air For Range Hoods."  These articles…

  • Question & Answers

    Calculating Load for Helical Piles

    I'm building a deck (a 18'x31' rectangle, with a 8'x12' rectangle attached to it, in the shape of an L).  It's going to be between 22" and 30" above ground…

  • Question & Answers

    Impossible to meet correct breaker box height with the size box I have

    I’ve read the breaker box needs to be atleast 4 feet from the floor but also no higher than 6 feet from the topMy 42 space breaker box is almost…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage Renovation

    My neighbors are renovating their garage into an inlaw suite. They've struggled for over a year--maybe two at this point--to lock down contractors, supplies, and working with the city inspector…