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Building Code Questions- Page 8 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Help! Trying to make sense of frost protected shallow foundations

    I've quoted the relevant code section below. I'm designing a home using a slab on grade per the IRC2021 code.Am I understanding correctly?1. I cannot use frost protected shallow foundations…

  • Question & Answers

    Lighting & ventilation requirements – NY State

    Hello - I have one BR in the plan, which has a small window and it doesn't pass the 8% light requirement.The room is 155sq ft and the window size…

  • Question & Answers

    Ceiling Framing

    Quick question on framing a ceiling to attached 5/8” drywall to. I am going to frame the ceiling using 2”x4” LSL studs. The load is the drywall only. Essentially, this…

  • Question & Answers

    Zip Sheathing Layout

    Im installing new zip 4x10' sheathing on an old farmhouse in Oregon (zone 4) and was wondering the best practice for the sheathing layout. The first story is 10' ceilings…

  • Question & Answers

    Plywood instead of concrete for slab on grade

    Will a plywood slab meet North American building code requirements?

  • Question & Answers

    Exhaust Fan for Laundry Closet – Required by Code?

    Howdy Folks! I'm planning to install a ventless dryer in a laundry closet, which we don't plan to put a door on (just a pull curtain or something). This is…

  • Question & Answers

    Ventless Dryers and Laundry Room Exhaust Fans

    Howdy! Matt Risinger recently did an episode on ventless dryers in a tight build. He did some musing on the lost conditioned air when a vented dryer is running, but…

  • Question & Answers

    Replacing Cement-Tile Roof with Composition Shingles

    I am in the process of getting solar for my home. The system cannot be installed on the current tile roof with no plywood decking underneath (tiles hang on skip…

  • Question & Answers

    Polyisocyanurate sheet as top attic insulation layer for radiant barrier

    Does the building code permit me to place polyisocyanurate sheets as my top attic floor insulation layer? I realize that might not be ideal because of the R value roll-off…

  • Question & Answers

    Determining Footing Depth

    Hey all, General interpretation of 5-1-6: FROST DEPTH: The frost depth level for the city is hereby declared to be two feet (2') below the natural surface of the ground.…