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Building Code Questions- Page 7 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    How do I get a detail to frame 3 windows side by side?

    Removing a garage door and installing pony wall in opening of existing garage dooor and installing 3 windows side by side

  • Question & Answers

    Air Excellent H/ERV Ducting

    Does anyone have experience with the Air Excellent flexible ventilation duct from Centrotherm?AirExcellent.aspxThis system looks similar to the distribution system that Zehnder utilizes, however it is sold with the idea…

  • Question & Answers

    California Residential Code – Stucco Drainage

    I just noticed addition of requirement to 2022 California Residential Code for stucco to have 3/16" drainage plane in Marine areas. What is strange is that I believe the map…

  • Question & Answers

    Foil faced polyiso exposed inside Ceiling?

    Hi,I would like to install 1/2" foil faced polyiso behind the ceiling gypsum board.I have attached a diagram.From the upper floor down:- 1-1/8 inch plywood- 24" open web wood truss-…

  • Question & Answers

    Exposed Ceiling Joist Project

    Hello,I have looked on this site and many others but can't find the answer to something I'm thinking about. Some similar questions, but they always seem related to attic insulation.…

  • Question & Answers

    Ignition rated Vapor open air barrier for wood foundation insulation

    CZ6. Reinsulating treated wood crawl space foundation with flash& rockwool batts. Need thermal or ignition listed vapor-open membrane to contain batt fibers. AHJ excludes house wrap.Insights appreciated.

  • Question & Answers

    Can I run supply or returns in conditioned attics? What about ERVs?

    So I'm building a new house in Houston, TX (5200 sqft - two story, with a conditioned attic). My goal is to air seal the house to passive standards (0.6…

  • Question & Answers

    ESS storage … per the GBA post “Storing Residential Solar Power”

    Hey...I just posted this under the post...but thought it might get a quicker response over here...This is a great overview of the code. And it's amazing how little of this…

  • Question & Answers

    Air gap between batts and ceiling deck

    I’m building a house with an unvented cathedral ceiling in zone 3.  On top we have, in order from out to in, a standing seam metal roof, peel and stick…

  • Question & Answers

    Whole house ventilation

    Good Morning experts.Need your help to understand the code on whole house mechanical ventilation for New York State.From what I gathered one could use bathroom fans as vehicle for exhaust…