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Building Code Questions- Page 66 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Metric and Imperial

    In the interests of making the debate on R-values, and U-values more accessible to European readers, or indeed, anyone who lives in a part of the world which uses the…

  • Question & Answers

    Comment on a rainscreen detail

    This is more a comment than a question. Looking at the detail for exterior foam with rainscreen siding, I notice strapping that vents into the attic space. This is something…

  • Question & Answers

    T-111 code question

    Can I use studs, Tyvex, 5/8" T-111 siding -- instead of stud wall, 7/16" OSB, Tyvex, 3/8" RS fir siding? Basically, I'm trying to eliminate the 7/16" OSB.

  • Question & Answers

    2″ foam board under exterior siding — what regulations?

    I have 2" Dow foam board that I want to apply to the outside siding of my building which is now covered in 0SB. The building inspector wants to know…

  • Question & Answers

    Post and pier foundation

    Can I use a post and pier foundation in Michigan?

  • Question & Answers

    Building codes should be free.

    Building codes should be free to download. Why? So they are used, simple. Just like the town dump, charge too much and less use it. Why can't I download copies…

  • Question & Answers

    Suicide vents not installed in horizon homes in texas

    I was cleaning my garage in the evening with the garage doors close... I realized there were no suicide vents installed... is there a code against installing one? It helps…

  • Question & Answers

    Suicide vents not installed in horizon homes in texas

    I was cleaning my garage in the evening with the garage doors close... I realized there were no suicide vents installed... is there a code against installing one? It helps…

  • Question & Answers

    Is it required by residential Building Codes to have air vents on top of garage?

    I'm currently selling my 5 year old home (built in 2005) in Houston, TX and buyers had a 3rd party TREC inspector come out to perform routine inspection and he…

  • Question & Answers

    An interesting blog

    I'd like to recommend an interesting blog focusing on efforts to reduce energy use, water use, and solid waste. The blog has a California focus, but will probably be of…