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Building Code Questions- Page 60 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Radon Mitigation vent into plumbing vent?

    Is it an acceptable practice to install, in the attic space, a wye on the plumbing stack, and run the radon stack into it, thereby saving one roof penetration? This…

  • Question & Answers

    Do I need an interior vapor retarder if the studs are filled with spray foam?

    For a new wood-framed single-family home that has spray foam insulation installed in wall, is an additional vapor retarder required to be installed on the interior side of wood studs?…

  • Question & Answers

    I Used the Wrong Nails

    I am framing a first floor deck and I used the wrong nails. I shot 2" x 0.99 ring nails instead of 2 1/2" common. The floor is 11 7/8"…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating floor of addition

    We are adding a 2nd story addition to the back of our house in Portland, Oregon. The addition is supported on columns so the first story is open creating a…

  • Question & Answers

    R-13 in 2×4 walls

    I have a project in north Georgia (climate zone 4), where the minimum code-prescribed R-value is R-13 for walls. I'm stumped on a couple of issues: 1. Several fiberglass insulation…

  • Question & Answers

    Conversion of crawl space into conditioned space.

    I am involved in an Energy Performance Contract with a Housing Authority. In a 1960's development of 20 town house type apartment buildings (4-6, 1 and 2 story units in…

  • Question & Answers

    Plywood sheathing thickness

    For a single floor residence Is nominal 3/8 plywood acceptable sheathing on 10 foot tall walls built with 24" OC advanced framing?

  • Question & Answers

    What fireblocking is required in double stud walls filled with dense pack cellulose?

    Single floor over basement (unheated) residential, about 2400 sq ft. gable roof 18" cellulose ceiling insulation. Fiberboard sheathing XPS rain screen thin brick exterior. I would like to use OSB…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement sub-slab insulation

    I should know the answer to this already.... I'm in climate zone 6, using the IRC 2009 code. Table N1102.1 requires R-10 insulation below a slab. I've been taking this…

  • Question & Answers

    Can an air handler be placed in the garage without an enclosure?

    In climate zone 3, under the 2012 Energy Code, can a residential air handler be placed inside of a garage attached to the dwelling?