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Building Code Questions- Page 6 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Pressure Relief Valve discharge

    Hi Folks - Any suggestions on how to route the discharge of a PRV in new construction under UPC 2015 in Washington? This will be for the hydronic radiant flooring…

  • Question & Answers

    Framing a built-in cabinet

    I am remodeling a small master bath climate zone 5A (Ohio) and I understand that in non-load bearing walls, you don't have to frame full headers (R 602.7.4).     "A…

  • Question & Answers

    double-stud walls and wind-load

    i understand that double stud wall assemblies identify either exterior or interior walls as load a non-engineer that makes intuitive sense to me in terms of compressive-load, but interested…

  • Question & Answers

    one-hour fire resistance for a floor-ceiling assembly

    Having done residential construction almost exclusively, the IBC is a relatively weak area of my code expertise.  I'm in the process of submitting drawings for a simple tri-plex--22 x 30,…

  • Question & Answers

    CO as Measured vs. Air Free

    Hello all, hoping to get some clarification on CO Air Free and CO as Measured. In the 2015 IECC, Appendix RA, Worst case testing of atmospheric venting systems, table 301.1(3),…

  • Question & Answers

    Running Wires from Service Meter Combo Panel to Main House Panel

    Hello to all. Background:   I'm rehabbing a house on a rural property in a small (population) county in Washington State which doesn't have a mechanism to ask the code inspector. …

  • Question & Answers

    Where to find PVC pipes for waste in Canada

    Hello,Question for fellow Canadians. I'm in Ottawa, ON, and I'm trying to solve a mystery here. I want to do my waste plumbing with PVC because nowadays PVC is like…

  • Question & Answers

    wood-coal stove wall clearance and heat shield use

    I will build a small house over a basement with a coal-wood stove upstairs adjacent to an exterior wall, sharing a chimney with the basement featuring a second coal wood…

  • Question & Answers

    Wire burial rules for equipment close to house

    My hvac unit is around 5 feet from my house and the electrical wire for it is just in the air (3-5 inches off the ground) and not buried, so…

  • Question & Answers

    Calculating electric Load for 2 structures on same service panel

    Hi all, I’m familiar with Jon Harrod’s article about using the NEC 220.53 to determine if a service upgrade is needed. what if you want to add a new 2400sqft…