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Building Code Questions- Page 59 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Do building code officials actually support IECC Performance Paths?

    Pretty much all of the IECC code revisions for both residential and commercial include a whole building performance option for code compliance. As far as I can tell this path…

  • Question & Answers

    Bathroom remodeling & insulation

    Two questions on insulating exterior wall of tub/shower area. I am in northern Pennsylvania. Currenlty the wall has hardboard siding and sheathing that is not vapor resistant, the rest is…

  • Question & Answers

    House tightness

    Is there any thing in the code (North Carolina) that states the ventilation, natural or mechanical, is at an acceptable rate. I have ran a blower door test on a…

  • Question & Answers

    IBC Airtightness conversion

    How do you convert cfm/sq. ft. @ 75 Pa to ACH 50? Thanks!

  • Question & Answers

    Cold climate vapor barrier

    I live in Alaska. Do I need to have a poly vapor barrier to meet code requirements?

  • Question & Answers

    Kitchen Remodel in Seattle WA – allowing for make up air with 600 CFM downdraft

    I have done much reading and questioning about the code compliance of allowing for make up air and am not clear on viable options in a remodeling situation. The kitchen…

  • Question & Answers

    IRC 2009 R807.1 in low infiltration construction

    Citing IRC 2009 R807.1 ("Attic Access") [1] my city rejected my 1010 project [2] plan which, in an effort to limit infiltration below 0.6ACH@50P, does not include an access point…

  • Question & Answers

    Is asbestos still legal in some countries?

    Asbestos, scientifically proved to be carcinogenic, has been banned in several countries. However, some old buildings that are still in use have asbestos ceilings. Is there an international law against…

  • Question & Answers

    What is best treatment for the top of elevator shafts?

    We do mostly home weatherization, but also get into frame and brick public buildings that have elevators. Elevator shafts seem to be poorly insulated and air sealed at the top.…

  • Question & Answers

    Codes run afoul of advice when it comes to insulating my slab

    A few months back, I asked about the best way to layer materials for my garage slab on grade with hydronic heating in MN (zone 6): Consensus was to…