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Building Code Questions- Page 58 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Can pressure-treated lumber be used inside of a dwelling as framing material?

    ...such as where basement partitions on bottom plates of a wall or where concrete meets lumber, and what type of barrier is required between lumber and concrete?

  • Question & Answers

    Can I remove my collar ties in my Cape Cod attic or at least remove every other one?

    I have a quick question about my collar ties that are located on each rafter in my cape cod 1.5 story attic. The collar ties (1.5 in by 5 in)…

  • Question & Answers

    Panel-type ‘vapour barriers’ and the British Columbia building code

    Is anyone aware if there is a provision for the use of panel-type vapour barriers, e.g. OSB, in the most current B.C. building code book? I guess I am referring…

  • Question & Answers


    I hope this is not a dumb question...but what exactly is the V-factor in the 2009 IECC. I shows up several times in Section 4 for example, Sec 402.1 .3…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulate Ducts or Not?

    I read the article on bringing the AC ducts within the conditioned space and found it interesting. One question I have that is not addressed, if the equipment and ductwork…

  • Question & Answers

    Surface bonding with epoxy

    Greetings. This question is too long. Sorry. Blame it on brain dumps. I've grown up with farming where many times you don't have what you need, and have to make…

  • Question & Answers

    How do you reconcile continuous insulation requirements with rated assembly requirements?

    The application is multifamily construction. We have energy requirements stipulating continuous R-3 insulation, in addition to required cavity insulation. We also have rated exterior wall assembly requirements. I have not…

  • Question & Answers

    Crawl space insulation questions

    I’m going to be converting my crawl space to a sealed, conditioned space. The concrete block walls will be insulated with rigid foam. I’ll be using TherMax, as I understand…

  • Question & Answers

    Duct-free bath fans?

    Does anyone have experience with these? Do they satisfy the IRC 2009 code for a powder room (just toilet & sink)?

  • Question & Answers

    Alternate compliance to the IRC thermal barrier requirement for foam insulation

    I am planning on doing unfaced fiberglass batt insulation over spray foam plus continuous polyiso on the exterior of a small new house. The building code (R316.4) requires thermal barriers…