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Building Code Questions- Page 5 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Is there rating/HERS score software for builders and designers?

    I'm a general contractor/designer and I want to design with a HERS target plan. I'd like to have a good idea of the likely HERS score before submitting the plan…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof Insulation R-Values in IRC 2024

    Does anyone have the "inside dope" on IRC 2024 code changes? The 2021 version upped roof insulation values from R49 to R60 for zones 4-8. I've read in "unofficial sources"…

  • Question & Answers

    IRC on Vapor Retarder for Vented Attic

    Hello, I know this has already been addressed before, but my local inspector is hammering down that I need a vapor retarder (Class I or II) for a vented attic…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior Cladding Installation Guide for SIPS

    We are looking for exterior finishes that have installation guidance for use on SIP panels. We have run into a building official who is being particularly critical and wants reports,…

  • Question & Answers

    A Guide to Renting Electronics for Short-Term Needs

    In an era driven by technology, the requirement for electronics in our daily lives and occasional ventures has increased. From the professional realm to personal projects, the need for specific…

  • Question & Answers

    Concrete Building Aspect Ratio in Seismic D2

    I am planning an ICF house for a seismic D2 zone. Ultimately, I think an engineer will need to approve the design, but I want to try and understand as…

  • Question & Answers

    Plumbing penetrations in the toe plate (sole plate)

    I notice that the IRC Chapter 6, R602 has rules for drilling and notching of studs, and rules for drilling and notching of the top plate. However, other than the…

  • Question & Answers

    2024 IRC insulation requirements

    2024 is already nearly upon us!Do any of you know if we can expect changes to the insulation requirements found in Chapter 11 of the IRC?Thanks.

  • Question & Answers

    Backup heat source

    I was under the impression that there was a northern Minnesota requirement to have a backup heat source.  When my home was built, I was told that the Steffes hydronic…

  • Question & Answers

    Gutter Attachment – Into truss tails required?

    I have a contractor saying gutter attachment does not need to be into rafter /truss tails. I have trusses 24 OC. This seems risky not to fasten them into the…