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Building Code Questions- Page 48 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Can I reuse single-pane steel sash windows?

    A client would like to restore some window openings that were bricked-over by a previous owner. The original single-pane steel sash casement windows had been stored, and are in excellent…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement perimeter wall construction

    My basement has a full perimeter sump pump; drainage mat on wall from 1 foot below ground level to loop into the plastic cove that empties to the sump drain…

  • Question & Answers

    R-38 ceiling and spray foam

    If one sprayed 5" of open cell spray foam on a ceiling area, that would equal to around R-17.5, correct? Now code requires R-38 minimum for the ceiling in this…

  • Question & Answers

    Vinyl siding renovation


  • Question & Answers

    16 ga. or 18 ga. wire for lighting circuit?

    LED lights are 5 watts. Do we still need 12 ga or 14 ga wire?

  • Question & Answers

    Garage footing – 42″ wall without forms?

    I dug down 3' holes for 7' (8'?) long and 7" wide round fence posts with hole digger about 10 years ago. Some wave in 20' dog eared fence. Now…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof SIPs and 2012 IRC R806

    WIth an 8" polyurethane SIP (OSB skins), would the 2012 IRC R806 code apply for roof venting or is that only applicable for ceiling with roof rafters?

  • Question & Answers

    Building a home – to code?

    Hello all, Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am in the process of designing a small (~ 700 sq. ft.), off-grid house. My intention is to…

  • Question & Answers

    What suggestions do people have to solve a R-38 roof problem?

    We are building a single car garage over a studio apartment in the western North Carolina mountains, Zone 5A. The garage level will be accessed by an 18' bridge. The…

  • Question & Answers

    Is rigid foam as sheathing cheapest way to meet code?

    I know: it depends. I found GBA's detail of 3/4 rigid foam on the framing with 1/2" ply-osb sheathing on top. this gives an easy nailing surface for shingles. So…