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Building Code Questions- Page 46 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    How do you assess flash-and-batt installations?

    We have begun to see more Builders and Insulators use flash and batt installation and I am not sure how to assess the R-value of the installation and if the…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting an existing flat roof

    We have a row house in Chicago. The drawing indicate (it seems it was built as drawn) that we have a 1/4" per foot modified bitumen roof. We don't have…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior siding layers?

    Hello all, I have a quick siding question. When we spray foamed my shop with close cell spray foam we sprayed against the tyvek(housewrap). It was only one layer. It…

  • Question & Answers

    In a building more than 3 floors, is it better to use header design for top sills or just use(4) 2×4 stacked w/ concrete floors?

    We have had some major settling in our builds where the framer and engineer have used (4) 2x4's stack flat as there top sills between each floor of the building…

  • Question & Answers

    Discussion of unvented foam-free roof assembly

    I've had this article stuck in my to-read list for a while, and just got around to it. I searched to see if it had already been discussed on GBA…

  • Question & Answers

    Building codes

    I often see posters refer to building in areas with no codes. Here in Canada, although we have areas in which there are no permits or inspections, the building codes…

  • Question & Answers

    Need an insulation expert!

    I'm building a new home and it's at the insulation stage. It's 2 story with a steep pitch roof.(8/12 for the main part of house, 12/12 over the garage bonus…

  • Question & Answers

    No soffits & under-insulated roof create mold concerns

    Hello All, I have a 116 year old home in Denver, CO (zone 5B) where I had no insulation in my 1.5 story home. I hired an insulation contractor to…

  • Question & Answers

    Lunos E2 HRV

    Does anyone have experience in Canada getting permission from local building inspectors to install the Lunos e2 HRV's? We have been shut down now for months trying to get sign…

  • Question & Answers

    Zehnder ComfoTube code issue

    I am an architect working with a contractor/homeowner who is currently building a new home for his family in St. Paul, Minnesota. He has installed a Zehnder HRV with associated…