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Building Code Questions- Page 42 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Notched I-joist fix

    We had a plumber notch our new home's engineered i-joist when installing a tub drain. We were furious but that is besides the point at this time. We are attempting…

  • Question & Answers

    Slab insulation – do I understand the code requirements?

    Question about slab insulation. The current slab has zero insulation on each side. That was no issue until now because it always an unheated garage. The slab is just that,…

  • Question & Answers

    Do basement stairs have to be enclosed?

    Hi all, Just checking code. I will have a basement, and at the top of the basement stairs I will have a door. Does the staircase down to the basement…

  • Question & Answers

    Townhouse common wall upgrades

    I had a kitchen fire in my Gaithersburg, Maryland townhouse (about 20 miles north of Washington DC). The insurance is going to pay to have the walls on the first…

  • Question & Answers

    Continuous insulation under slab

    Hi all, I am looking for some advise on the design of our thickened slab for a "pretty good house" in Kenora, Ontario (climate zone 7). The house will be…

  • Question & Answers

    Is there a code requirement for residential boiler piping insulation?

    Is there a code requirement for residential boiler piping insulation? If so, what is the R-value for pipes in conditioned space? And unconditioned space? We live near Baltimore, MD.

  • Question & Answers

    Ridge Vents – see light?

    I was at our new construction home yesterday. It is not yet insulated. I looked up and noticed one small hole where light was coming through. It was at the…

  • Question & Answers

    Air Barrier/Vapor Retarder and Canadian Building Codes

    This comes up quite frequently and I thought it might be useful to lay out what is actually required by the code. My description relies on the BC Building Code,…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapour barrier for above-grade walls and ceiling in Canada?

    So I've read a bunch of Q & A on the vapour barrier and how it's not necessary for certain climates, but if we are stepping out our insulation above…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement insulation…pull the XPS?

    Long story short, between work and family obligations I've been busting my tail to get my basement walls insulated and studded in preparation for finishing it off. Had an inspector…