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Building Code Questions- Page 40 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Designing wiring with SIPs and keeping building tight

    I am in the process of designing a Timber Frame to be enclosed by SIPs. I have a solid design for my plumbing fully enclosed within an internal service cavity…

  • Question & Answers

    Leaving rockwool exposed in basement ceiling

    Hi. A few places in my basement ceiling cannot be finished with sheetrock: above the electrical panel, the concrete block wall behind the boiler, etc, due to too many pipes…

  • Question & Answers

    Need 2 foot square of vapor barrier

    I'm planning to take out the 50s era milk chute in our house tomorrow. This will leave me with a whole between 12-20 inches square. I'll put plywood of the…

  • Question & Answers

    Are polyisocyanurate materials considered vapor barriers and to be avoided for insulating basements?

    Hi, I live in Central Minnesota. Our home was newly built roughly 3 years ago. It was not insulated on the exterior, but foil-faced DOW Thermax Sheathing was installed on…

  • Question & Answers

    Continuous back-up?

    I am trying to understand the fire code here: I want to put up some hardboard to cover ridig foam in my basement walls. What does the code mean…

  • Question & Answers

    Fan efficacy and ERVs

    what classification does a erv/hrv have if it doesn't have a ECM motor it is not exempt from the efficacy requirement. so, does it a bathroom utility roon fan efficacy…

  • Question & Answers

    How to insulate basement interior (with 2″ XPS on the exterior)?

    Hello. I am planning to finish my basement and I have a question regarding the interior insulation. The house was built in 2001 and is located in RI (Zone 5).…

  • Question & Answers

    Flame Spread rated spray foam?

    I heard yesterday about a new spray foam product that had a flame spread rating that met code without the application of an additional coating - Apparently it is a…

  • Question & Answers

    Difficult building inspector

    Needless to say our Building Inspector is real charmer, and on top of that is very unfamiliar with energy smart building techniques. We are putting up 3" of Roxul comfortboard…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation on exterior and interior

    My house was built in 2009 in climate zone 6. It has a poured concrete foundation with R-5 XPS exterior insulation. Currently there is no insulation on the inside. I…