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Building Code Questions- Page 4 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Thermal Options and Transitions

    Hi All -- Working through a couple details around a basement. I've included some supporting images but I'll try to summarize as best I can:- New Construction in CZ 6-…

  • Question & Answers

    Attached covered porch beam to porch posts sizing and post spacing

    Hi everyone, new member here. Apologize if this has been answered already but so far I hadn't quite seen it.  I'm in the midst of a full house remodel in…

  • Question & Answers

    Pier Foundation – Joist Underside Detail

    I am in the planning phase of a barn/ADU on piers in CZ 6 (Coastal Maine)Looking through the code, I believe I need 18" of clear space below the building.…

  • Question & Answers

    FPSF with stem wall

    We are planning an addition to our home in St. Louis, MO and would like to use a frost protected shallow foundation. The addition will be a shed roof off…

  • Question & Answers

    Foam in the footing as an internal form

    Im building a small room addition here in California and am going to pour a monolith turn down footing . Im was wondering if anyone has used foam to contain…

  • Question & Answers

    Fire Separation in Garage + Moisture

    This is part building code question, part moisture question. I live in a house built in the 1920s, with an attached garage that was built sometime in the 80s (I…

  • Question & Answers

    moving to Kentucky

    I'm considering moving to Kentucky from Georgia. I'm familiar with best building practices in Georgia. How different are best practices in Kentucky?

  • Question & Answers

    Electrical for New Construction

    Hey all, I'm in a minor pickle and hoping I can get some guidance. Below is some context for my situation, and below that is the meat.I moved to Central…

  • Question & Answers

    Converting cfm/sqft @75Pa to 50Pa

    What is the formula for converting "cfm/sqft @75Pa" to "cfm/sqft @50Pa"? Thanks!

  • Question & Answers

    Depth of nails on rough cut 1″ cedar siding over diagonal 3/4″ pine furring

    As we have a 2x6 wall (sheathed with 1/2" ply for air barrier) with 12" larsen trusses 16" on center and no exterior sheathing, I don't want to be poking…