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Building Code Questions- Page 39 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Exhaust vent outdoor opening size?

    Okay, this is a nitpicking detail, but what does this part of the IRC mean? R303.6 "Air exhaust and intake openings that terminate outdoors shall be protected with corrosion resistant…

  • Question & Answers

    Vented and unvented roof combo

    Is it possible to have a combination vented and unvented roof assembly? I own a house in southern Maine that has a vented roof. The house also has cathedral-style ceilings…

  • Question & Answers

    Studor vents or vent stack?

    I was told by a plumber today that the local code allows for Studor Vents instead of the old tried & true plumbing vent stack. The Net Zero homes they…

  • Question & Answers

    Roofer put new 1/2″ OSB over old 1/2″ OSB

    I recently had my roof replaced but have not paid the final bill. My roofer called me yesterday to advise me the entire north side of my house was going…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation and new codes

    Planning a renovation and addition of an existing house; 1. Climate Zone 4 - the new insulation code for ceilings is R49. Is the only way to achieve this in…

  • Question & Answers

    Vented Attic Vapor Retarder

    Getting confused in my research today, looking for feedback. Climate Zone 5, Vented Attic with Blown-In Fiberglass. Is it correct, vapor retarders are not required in climate zones other than…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement finish – existing exterior R-5 – questions on interior insulation

    I am finishing my basement in Minnesota. It is a walkout design. The walkout portion of the wall is a 2x6 wall with typical fiberglass bats and poly on the…

  • Question & Answers

    Pink sill foam vs. green treated lumber

    On interior walls sitting on a concrete slab. Which would be better? Green treated lumber or standard lumber sitting on top of the pink foam sill sealer membrane? The treated…

  • Question & Answers

    New home build in Iowa (Climate Zone 5)

    Is it possible for a new home build in Iowa, climate zone 5, to not have under slab insulation? What's the min code requirement for a poured concrete basement with…

  • Question & Answers

    How to vent a crawl space — “Musings” article of May 13, 2011

    I'm going to take the advise in the "Building an Unvented Crawl Space" by Martin Holiday that was posted on May 13, 2011. It suggests putting a floor register in…