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Building Code Questions- Page 37 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    Lateral soil load?

    I'm planning on using lightweight aggregate ( expanded clay/shale) as back-fill. This material has several benefits, it is about 10 times better insulation than other drainage mediums ( r 1/in…

  • Question & Answers

    Can we use a tin or other metal for a basement ceiling in a retail space?

    We own a retail building with a large basement. We own the stained glass/fused glass business in the space. We are remodeling the basement to be a part of the…

  • Question & Answers

    Capillary breaks and code

    This is an offshoot from my previous question about choosing a product to use for the capillary break between the footer and the poured concrete foundation wall ... In speaking…

  • Question & Answers

    Swedish platform framing and other non-conventional framing practices

    I'm in early stages of planning my new home and I want to build using swedish platform framing priniciples as described in the "new american wall" articles on this site…

  • Question & Answers

    Does repair work have to follow current code?

    It’s always about the water, and codes. Our roof design is a mess, and our gutters are overwhelmed. I can identify most of the problems*, but since I currently live…

  • Question & Answers

    XPS on ridge beam

    I insulated my basement walls with 2” XPS including cut and cobbling foam on to the ridge beam. The walls will be frammed and finished with wallboard. But do I…

  • Question & Answers

    Running coax and phone line parallel with electric wire?

    Hi folks, Without much prior experience, I decided to run my coax and phone line myself but after the fact, I have read that it's not good to run the…

  • Question & Answers


    Good day. My question involves cogenerators. I currently livrd in my residence for over 17 years. This is in a high rise building. A couple of years ago the owners…

  • Question & Answers

    (MA-specific) How to get clawfoot tub installed in NEW construction

    We are about to pour slab-on-grade here in Massachusetts. Under-slab plumbing is done. Our hope is to reuse an old antique clawfoot tub in our new construction. *Reusing* old, instead…

  • Question & Answers

    Bedroom egress window requirements

    Do I still need to use an "egress" window? My master "suite" has two entry-exit paths, one through a central hallway and a second that opens into the 'family room"…