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Building Code Questions- Page 35 of 68

  • Question & Answers

    LSL Framing

    I'm planning on building a small cabin with some laminated strand lumber (LSL) framing. I'll be doing 24 inch on center, so I'm going with LSLs for some additional strength.…

  • Question & Answers

    Can I get away with a moisture barrier and unfaced batts in an attic?

    I'm in zone 2, and I'm getting mixed information from my local building supply. Does code allow me to install plastic sheeting between attic rafters, before unfaced insulation batts? Wouldn't…

  • Question & Answers

    Double stud walls and braced wall questions

    Assuming that the exterior wall is the load bearing wall of a double stud wall system. It would not have drywall put on its interior, for 2013 IRC. therefore, would…

  • Question & Answers

    Ventilation system design? Rooms in “series”.

    I'm planning on using an ERV I pretty well have chosen one sold in the US under the Broan brand but made by Venmar in Canada The US PN is…

  • Question & Answers

    Flat roof: Roxul + polyiso + EPDM retrofit

    Hi all, I have a 13' x 18' half hexagonal single story bumpout with a very low slope uninsulated roof covered in 'something'. Plan is to remove the 'something' and…

  • Question & Answers

    Rim Joist Insulation – REMOTE method

    Zone 5. I have insulated the conventionally framed walls and block foundation with two layers of 1.5" XPS, all on the exterior. My air and water barrier is continuous on…

  • Question & Answers

    What test determines if I have enough hot water or not to meet local building codes?

    I rent a house that I recently moved into and have been here for almost two months. Since day one I've noticed I barely have enough hot water to take…

  • Question & Answers

    Can a gable end stud wall be supported by an open span rim joist?

    I want to build a house that is 40 ft wide. i want a vented crawlspace. there will be 3 stem wall foundations running the 80 length of the house.…

  • Question & Answers

    Fiberglass insulation and the air barrier

    Hi Martin, I thought it would be best to move this discussion from the unrelated post. My apologies to Jason. Just so others know what started the discussion, I cut…

  • Question & Answers

    Kitchen Hood

    I’m in BC. I’m trying to figure out if a kitchen range hood is compulsory as I have been led to believe. I tried reading some of the government building…